Use of sedative in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include sedative at the start of sentence, sedative at the end of sentence and sedative in the middle of sentence

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sedative at the end of sentence

  1. It's safe to take a mild sedative.
  2. The patient was taking a widely prescribed sedative.
  3. Valerian root has been used for centuries as a mild sedative.
  4. Ben Barka was then tied to a chair and injected with a sedative.
  5. Doctors, the suit claims, also supervise attachment of a heart monitor and might give the condemned inmate a sedative.
  6. Problems with diamorphine include vomiting, bradycardia, and hypotension, but in small doses diamorphine is better than any sedative.

sedative in the middle of sentence

  1. Amber bath oil has a sedative effect.
  2. The sedative makes people very somnolent.
  3. The effects of the sedative have gone off.
  4. He was offered a sedative for this test, too.
  5. The plant acts as a sedative in treating neuralgia.
  6. After taking a sedative she was able to get to sleep.
  7. The doctor gave her a mild sedative to help her sleep.
  8. They use opium as a sedative, rather than as a narcotic.
  9. The patient is sedated with intravenous use of sedative drugs.
  10. With the sedative, Marek drifted into sleep but he did not wake up.
  11. It has an initial sedative effect that leads to more rapid sleep onset.
  12. Our vet came out early that morning with some sedative, but we needn't have bothered.
  13. However, a small dose of a short-acting sedative at bedtime for sleeping is often helpful. 4.
  14. The procedure was on an outpatient basis without administration of analgesic or sedative medication.
  15. Treatment with sedative antihistamines was continued throughout the study if they were in use on entry.
  16. A lot of mineralization is needed to create a sedative effect, calm the nerves and promote sound sleep.
  17. Passion flower is employed around the world as a mild sedative that reduces nervous tension and anxiety.
  18. The news was good: minor cuts, nothing deep, anti-tetanus injections just in case, mild sedative for shock.
  19. The judge also ruled that medical staff could administer a painkilling sedative to assist him in the process.
  20. In high amounts hops are such a potent sedative that Clement, working as an herbalist, offers them to dental patients.
  21. Antidepressants Antidepressants with sedative effects are usually recommended when insomnia is associated with a depressive disorder.
  22. Its sedative effects were valued, but sometimes progressed to pathological depression with suicidal tendencies, so its use was limited.
  23. The sedative effects of alcohol cause the throat muscle to relax too much and also interfere with the involuntary awakening mechanisms.

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