Use of selflessness in Sentences. 26 Examples

The examples include selflessness at the start of sentence, selflessness at the end of sentence and selflessness in the middle of sentence

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selflessness at the end of sentence

  1. Everyone admired his selflessness.
  2. Fearlessness stems from selflessness.
  3. Teaching calls for enthusiasm and selflessness.
  4. That is the witness must also be justness and selflessness.'
  5. All revolutionary work calls for enthusiasm and selflessness.
  6. Chinese Students Association here made me proud due to its selflessness.
  7. Chuang Tzu's theory on use and uselessness focuses on ego and non - ego, and selfishness and selflessness.

selflessness in the middle of sentence

  1. His selflessness gainedhigh esteem.
  2. It was an act of selflessness on his part.
  3. Selfishness is vice. selflessness is virtue.
  4. His selflessness inspired them with respect.
  5. Yeah, teachers represent the selflessness and loftiness.
  6. We must all learn the spirit of absolute selflessness from him.
  7. Unselfishness and selflessness are the signs of a mature person.
  8. She was warmly praised for her selflessness [ devotion to work ].
  9. Courage, selflessness and strength of will stood out all over him.
  10. The so - called selflessness essentially is selfishness in nature!
  11. I have enormous regard for his selflessness on behalf of his fellow man.
  12. By adolescence, they veer into selflessness and fear the criticism of peers.
  13. In tranquility seek your true nature. In selflessness find nobility and advancement.
  14. George Washington gave generations of Americans their model of determination, selflessness , and honor.
  15. Both Naikan and Morita are based on the Buddhist principle that selflessness is the goal one should strive for.
  16. After Sonora became an adult she realized the selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.
  17. Will we display more of the statesmanship, selflessness, and disregard for monetary advantage associated with public service and professional responsibility?
  18. The basic contents of this secular meaning are made up of theories of ecology such as view of integration, of selflessness, of life, of mercifulness and of clean land.
  19. In an extraordinary act of selflessness, 48-year-old Susan Lucas agreed to be a surrogate for her daughter-in-law Gena and step-son Derek, the Daily Mirror of London reported.

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