Use of sheldrake in Sentences. 21 Examples

The examples include sheldrake at the start of sentence, sheldrake at the end of sentence and sheldrake in the middle of sentence

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sheldrake at the start of sentence

  1. Sheldrake concluded that we can sense when people we care about are thinking about us, even at great distances.
  2. Sheldrake added the notion of contagion - "morphic resonance" - which causes behaviour patterns to suddenly emerged in whole populations.

sheldrake at the end of sentence

  1. An important set of ideas have been advanced by the biologist Rupert sheldrake.
  2. One of the few biologists to propose a radically novel approach to thesequestions is Dr Rupert sheldrake.
  3. Even though IPv4 will continue working for at least the next decade, there is value in changing early according to Philip sheldrake.

sheldrake in the middle of sentence

  1. Meanwhile , Fran and sheldrake meet at the apartment .
  2. On New Year's Eve , sheldrake asks Bud for the key , but Bud refuses .
  3. Later , however , Bud manages to convince Fran that sheldrake still cares .
  4. When sheldrake threatens to fire him , Bud gives him a key-to the executive washroom .
  5. Robert sheldrake is an unscrupulous man who will stop at nothing to get this practice.
  6. That night , sheldrake mentions Bud's actions to Fran . She suddenly realizes that Bud loves her .
  7. These fields act in liaison with the energetic and chemical processes of the body, sheldrake believes.
  8. There is a summer camp in Loch sheldrake, New York, that has nurtured some well-known Hollywood actors.
  9. Convinced that Fran is in love with him , Bud resolves to tell sheldrake that he will take the girl off his hand .
  10. It was good to see my dear friend, Dr Rupert sheldrake, explain consciousness, which is quite separate from the mind.
  11. Professor sheldrake has taught various leadership and management courses and short programs, both in Australia and internationally.
  12. She accepts , but she must first break a prior engagement - with sheldrake , who had kept Fran as his mistress and now wants to resume the affair .
  13. But sheldrake informs him that his wife , who has learned of his extra-marital activities , is going to divorce him and that he plans to mary Fran .
  14. Exotic white sandalwood is surrounded by resins, rose, jasmine, pink pepper, iris, musk and cedar. The fragrance was created by Christopher sheldrake in 2001.
  15. I HAVE entered into this wager with Rupert sheldrake because of my interest in the details of how embryos develop, and how our understanding of this process will progress.
  16. At the office Christmas party , Bud and Fran talk for the first time since their abortive date ; Bud discovers that she is the girl that sheldrake has been bringing to his apartment .

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