Use of shrivel in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include shrivel at the start of sentence, shrivel at the end of sentence and shrivel in the middle of sentence

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shrivel at the end of sentence

  1. The leaves change colour, then shrivel.
  2. Get the bulbs into the ground, or they will begin to shrivel.

shrivel in the middle of sentence

  1. Soon it would shrivel away.
  2. The leaves started to shrivel up.
  3. The poor things shrivel up in protest.
  4. It should shrivel in ineptitude.. Prime target.
  5. The tetrads eventually shrivel or are resorbed.
  6. The penis is the first to shrivel when it's cold.
  7. Probably shrivel up like a cactus in a microwave.
  8. Otherwise they shrivel up and die almost instantly.
  9. The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat.
  10. Under the direct sunlight young plants will shrivel up.
  11. But eventually, even red dwarfs will shrivel up and die.
  12. The steel companies seem to want to shrivel, to disappear.
  13. You ought to pick those lettuces before they shrivel and die.
  14. Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.
  15. The paper would shrivel and blaze at every touch of the fiery pen.
  16. Whenever I go to a party, I shrivel up and hope no one will notice me.
  17. Why do Kate's onions grow so well, while mine shrivel and rot in the ground?
  18. What was meant for a joyous occasion would shrivel to a general wretchedness.
  19. These microscopic biting flies would dry and shrivel in minutes out in the sun.
  20. Though not many positions shrivel to zero, funds do suffer 2 % losses all the time.
  21. In a rough economy, they said, budgets shrivel and advertisers get stern and cautious.
  22. Her anger, newly kindled, needed something to scorch and shrivel before it could be extinguished.
  23. Why finial superior from political and business circle feel so shrivel in face of financial crisis?
  24. These collapse, shrivel and dry as though scorched - but this is not to be confused with frost scorch.
  25. Yet if they wait while a complex corporate empire is unwound, the value of their loans can shrivel almost to nothing.
  26. And in that instant her heart seemed to burst with love inside her and simultaneously shrivel with grief and helplessness.
  27. Noble Rot is when Botrytis Cinerea fungus attacks ripe undamaged grape at which it will suck out the water in the grape to make it shrivel to tiny raisins.

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