Use of skewer in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include skewer at the start of sentence, skewer at the end of sentence and skewer in the middle of sentence

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skewer at the start of sentence

  1. Skewer the meat and vegetables.
  2. Skewer the chicken before cooking.
  3. Skewer 2 beef cubes on each wooden stick.

skewer at the end of sentence

  1. Yan Street West powder 1 small tin cars, appeared on time every night, hit a skewer.
  2. Open QQ 2009 SP 2 or later. Find your QQ number. Click the numbers behind the a skewer.
  3. Cut the sausages in half through the middle and push each half on the end of a wooden skewer.

skewer in the middle of sentence

  1. Stick a toothpick or skewer in the center.
  2. Redip the skewer and repeat in all samples.
  3. I used a skewer to make an extra hole in my belt.
  4. Always plant stakes to skewer your own cavalry on.
  5. To bind or skewer the wings or legs of a fowl before cooking.
  6. Doctors have removed a skewer from the head of a Russian woman.
  7. Pierce grapes with a skewer or needle to allow them to absorb rum.
  8. The skewer for the bike is now going to go through the rack and wheel.
  9. The cake is baked through when you insert a skewer and it remains clean.
  10. Stuff quail cavities with mushroom mixture and skewer shut if necessary.
  11. After baking, pierce with a skewer and spoon over a few tablespoons of brandy.
  12. Watching the all-male Senate panel skewer Anita Hill, I was disgusted and angry.
  13. They are cooked when a skewer inserted into one and then removed comes out clean.
  14. They are carved from hardwood and a hot skewer is used to burn in the decorations.
  15. There are many people who sell pieces of roast mutton on a skewer by the roadside.
  16. Use bamboo stick to skewer the prawns & grilled , then grilled vegetables & set aside.
  17. Try twisting a skewer through the sides of a balloon instead of the ends. What happens?
  18. Steam 8 minutes, or until a skewer easily slips in and out of the thickest part of the fish.
  19. Place one cake on a serving plate, spike all over with a skewer and lace with half the kirsch.
  20. He raised his eyebrows but he didn't actually skewer my hand to his desk with his favourite kris.
  21. A slender skewer , usually ornamented at the top, used decoratively, especially in serving garnishes.
  22. He yelped shrilly and dropped his guard just sufficiently for a sword, swung by a surprised opponent, to skewer him.

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