Use of skinflint in Sentences. 18 Examples

The examples include skinflint at the start of sentence, skinflint at the end of sentence and skinflint in the middle of sentence

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skinflint at the end of sentence

  1. He's a real skinflint.
  2. My boss is a skinflint .
  3. This guy is a skinflint.
  4. Her boss is a skinflint.
  5. His boss is a skinflint.
  6. Dolly's a bit of an old skinflint.
  7. He's very tightfisted. 8. Her boss is a skinflint .
  8. Grandad went to work for a farmer who was rather an old skinflint.
  9. I find myself feeling like either a deep-pocketed patsy or a skinflint.

skinflint in the middle of sentence

  1. A skinflint worships money.
  2. He is a
  3. An old skinflint walked into a bakery.
  4. Our team leader isn't a petty skinflint, he's a Communist.
  5. Her boss is a skinflint. 9. She never wants to splash the cash.
  6. We waited for the old skinflint to find his wallet and pay us our money.
  7. A lot of people say in answer to these questions, "Oh, I'd look like a skinflint", or It was not worth bothering about.
  8. They live in the nine skinflint boroughs - mostly Tory authorities - which have scrapped their school meals service on cost grounds.
  9. You may not be able to avoid feeling like a patsy or a skinflint, but a budget of how much to spend, tip or give will create a structure for your own sanity.

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