Use of slaughterhouse in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include slaughterhouse at the start of sentence, slaughterhouse at the end of sentence and slaughterhouse in the middle of sentence

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slaughterhouse at the start of sentence

  1. Slaughterhouse - Five is the masterpiece of the twentieth century American writer, Kurt Vonnegut.

slaughterhouse at the end of sentence

  1. He sent his own livestock to the slaughterhouse.
  2. The animals were being docked in the slaughterhouse.
  3. Now the pampered critters are off to the slaughterhouse.
  4. There were difficulties enforcing regulations at the Colombo slaughterhouse.
  5. Workers corral the geese into trucks and ship them off to the slaughterhouse.
  6. They did not have the attributes of animals and freedom, just as into the slaughterhouse.
  7. That's the Barometer for you: never more dangerous than when in the portals of the slaughterhouse.
  8. Usually the animals were spirited away some distance to prevent detection; many ended up at the Colombo slaughterhouse.
  9. Of the nearly 18,000 head of cattle imported through Colombo in 1901, over sixty percent were immediately sent to the slaughterhouse.
  10. They created a high-tech fish ladder so species like giant catfish can get around the dam -- and to meet one local demand, they built an alligator slaughterhouse.

slaughterhouse in the middle of sentence

  1. The cattle go to the slaughterhouse , the horses to rodeos.
  2. I also did a day working in a slaughterhouse it was horrible.
  3. Supporters contend that slaughterhouse Canyon is an ideal spot.
  4. Let them join the sheep . The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.
  5. The eggs produced by the geese in Hepu are sent to a slaughterhouse for industrial incubation.
  6. The slaughterhouse is on the outskirts of the town, and can be smelled before it comes into view.
  7. Market Analysis: At present , the high quality cattle resources based the slaughterhouse are urgent.
  8. The area within slaughterhouse shall keep clean all times and equipped with an efficient drainage system.
  9. The feed is examined carefully, and at the slaughterhouse any bird with an appearance of disease is discarded.
  10. The headman issued vouchers, and the animals were brought back to the slaughterhouse with their papers in order.
  11. If he was hanging in a slaughterhouse, then might they not choose to use the implements of the slaughterer on him?
  12. Employees of each auction said that up to 25 percent of the horses they sell go to traders with slaughterhouse contracts.
  13. Preliminary studies are being conducted on the property, west of state Route 67 at the end of slaughterhouse Canyon Road.
  14. For example, food products must be non - transgenic and their constituents must not from the slaughterhouse by - products .
  15. A group in Alaska uses a mobile slaughterhouse for reindeer. And an organization in South Dakota has a mobile unit for buffalo.
  16. The study aims to determine what effect recent developments in technology and slaughterhouse design have had on animal welfare standards
  17. It will exclude the loading, collection, and transportation of animals to the slaughterhouse and all slaughterhouse operations subsequent to death.
  18. She practised at the slaughterhouse, serenely confident, as she would tell preachy Americans later, that these bulls would otherwise die by the hammer, an "unsporting" end.

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