Use of slop in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include slop at the start of sentence, slop at the end of sentence and slop in the middle of sentence

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slop at the end of sentence

  1. I'm not eating that slop.
  2. They waded through the slop.
  3. Do you actually expect us to eat this slop?

slop in the middle of sentence

  1. Don't slop over the girls.
  2. Don't slip - slop, as a lady.
  3. Behind the slop was a grass back.
  4. Happy as a hog in slop, is what I am.
  5. Jan would never slop around in old jeans.
  6. Prisoners had to use slop buckets at night.
  7. Oh , don't slop and gush and be sentimental.
  8. He used to slop around all day in his pyjamas.
  9. So the bread was deposited in the slop bucket.
  10. Don't slop your coffee in the saucer like that.
  11. The ski slop was situated just outside the town.
  12. Pay attention about your business, and slop over your right.
  13. Another rant: if I slop paint everywhere, I've got feelings.
  14. Have you tried the slop that they call curry in the canteen?
  15. She used to slop around all day in old jeans and sweatshirts.
  16. Clinton sat down beside the slop bucket and smiled at the two men.
  17. Men who had emptied their slop buckets were returning to their cells.
  18. There was a table and two wooden chairs at the far end by the slop buckets.
  19. It is wrong to slop and make messes that others have to clear up behind one.
  20. As I looked up, I saw that water was beginning to slop in and trickle down the wall.
  21. What you get: automatic, maximum traction in all off-and on-road slop for the very lazy.
  22. Robinson smiled as he lifted the plastic cover from the slop bucket to reveal a lump of excrement.
  23. You don't dash into breakfast and slop paraquat over the wife's Frosties, while hurling abuse at her.
  24. But not as sick as Vicky, who every morning now staggered up to retch helplessly into the slop bucket.
  25. Drawbacks are the introduction of a bit more slop in the system and the potential for reduced access in tight spots.
  26. A few drops of urine on the floor by his slop pail merited a scientifically aimed punch at his kidneys from the guard.

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