Use of smartness in Sentences. 17 Examples

The examples include smartness at the start of sentence, smartness at the end of sentence and smartness in the middle of sentence

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smartness at the end of sentence

  1. I have betrayed you with my lack of smartness.
  2. The jumper strikes the perfect balance between comfort and smartness.
  3. But we can be wiser than them! Show your wisdom to them not your smartness.
  4. Evolving drugs allows a researcher to be stupid, while evolution slowly accumulates the smartness
  5. The prevalence of top - quality garment offers promising prospects for developing shirtings, are characterized, and smartness.

smartness in the middle of sentence

  1. The smartness of the boy pleased everyone.
  2. The smartness of the pace soon exhausted him.
  3. In the future, the smartness of computers will surround you.
  4. The chips imbedded in book and chair have only the smartness of ants.
  5. The men who thinks to get on by mere smartness idling meets failure at last.
  6. Intelligence and smartness in general is fundamentally prediction machinery.
  7. The soldiers all did with the smartness and precision of the King's own guards.
  8. His smartness of the morning had seemed to Tom a good joke before, and very ingenious.
  9. Chew , for example, on the idea that " the surest way to smartness is through massive dumbness "
  10. Wisdomisrelated to intelligence, ability, smartness, quick-wit sensibleness but different from them.
  11. No one ever seemed to know William's surname and he had a bizarre appearance at a time when smartness was highly valued.
  12. Analogously, there might be kinds of smartness that wouldn't be accessible to even very fast human brains given their current capacities.

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