Use of solder in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include solder at the start of sentence, solder at the end of sentence and solder in the middle of sentence

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solder at the start of sentence

  1. Solder the two pieces together.
  2. Solder resist also provides some protection from the environment.

solder at the end of sentence

  1. If copper is used, it is okay to solder.
  2. With capillary fittings, you can use a blowlamp to melt the solder.
  3. The main difference between the two is the melting point of the solder.

solder in the middle of sentence

  1. Less residue, shinny and clean solder spot.
  2. Iron, tin melting furnace, the solder wire.
  3. Note the solder tag at one of the T1 fixing lugs.
  4. Fewer workers are needed to solder circuit boards.
  5. An ideal connection that puts any solder to shame.
  6. If too much solder is use, it may flow past tube and clog seating area.
  7. They make a qualitative judgment on whether the solder joint is acceptable or unacceptable.
  8. Nitrogen protection can improves wettability of lead - free solder and solder joint quality.
  9. When handling the PCB or PCBA, is the operator wearing gloves if PCB solder side is touched ?
  10. The heavy brown furniture, and Senor Menini: his eyepiece, the solder in his teeth, his dusty scales.
  11. Flexible copper pipes are supplied with plain ends, with solder ring fittings or with tap connectors.
  12. Use a similar hooked connection to attach the Earth wire and the wire leading from S1 to the solder tag.
  13. I loved the metallic smell of solder as it dripped in small puddles, hardening on the workbench before me.
  14. We were disappointed when we were marked as having correctly classified only 32 solder joints out of the 34.
  15. The tin lead soft solder used on the ewer is very dense to X-rays and appears as white patches on the radiograph.
  16. This means there will be some exchange between the solder and the metal which will alter the composition of both.
  17. At the end of the nineteenth century BCE an ambitious solder called Shamshi- Adad brought Ashur under his control.
  18. Leave solder paste for 4 hours at room temperature before use. Unseal solder paste be stored 24 hours in room temperature .
  19. Quality control of solder joints is currently done by blowing up a digitized image of the joint and having humans inspect it.
  20. Some joins. such as the fine solder work required for gold filigree and granulation, can not be seen even at high magnification.
  21. This superior reliability comes from advances in packaging techniques and epitaxial structure, together with the use of hard solder construction.
  22. All foot machine, automatic machine PC board feet cut, cut legs pushing machines manually solder equipment, hand Baptist tin stoves, printer, Tool Grinder.
  23. Lead alloys as solder for transducers used in high-powered (designated to operate for several hours at acoustic power levels of 125 dB SPL and above) loudspeakers.
  24. A medium-sized cylindrical connector featuring quick bayonet coupling, crimp, solder, or printed circuit board termination. It offers seven mounting styles and ten shell sizes.

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