Use of sparkler in Sentences. 26 Examples

The examples include sparkler at the start of sentence, sparkler at the end of sentence and sparkler in the middle of sentence

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sparkler at the end of sentence

  1. So how did Toth land on the special sparkler?
  2. The chinese put on a fantastic show and we have basically a red bus and a sparkler.
  3. The chinese put on a devoteetastic show ad have simply put a red shuttle bus plus a sparkler.
  4. Shulman, an actor and jewellery designer, collaborated with Kwiat Heritage Jewels to create the sparkler.

sparkler in the middle of sentence

  1. A boy plays with a sparkler on the Fourth of July.
  2. Slow sideboard sparkler, we watch its wadding softly fray.
  3. The campaigners' angry words were formed by torches, lights and sparklers.
  4. The children had stopped singing, and were lighting cross-shaped sparklers.
  5. At the same time Harry, Pyro's son, takes a lighted sparkler into the house.
  6. This semi-dry sparkler has a refined aroma that conquers hearts, especially that of women.
  7. Find out more sparkler safety tips in this free fireworks safety video from a fire captain.
  8. A delicate sparkler, with strawberry impressions coming through in the nose, and on the palate.
  9. If you search for "sparkler" on istockphoto, the first page brings up many good quality photos.
  10. It will be all downhill after the guests blow bubbles or light sparklers as you leave the church.
  11. Uhm, you know, we have a Norwegian pomegranate sparkler, which you will really, really love, okay.
  12. Learn a "sparkler" exercise with small weights for your pilates routine in this free exercise video.
  13. Even the humble sparkler can cause horrific injuries when combined with a highly flammable shell suit.
  14. A real sparkler from David Penney gave the local derby a firework finish and the fairest result of all.
  15. Learn more about teaching sparkler safety to children in this free fireworks safety video from a fire captain.
  16. She called a waste management company and was told her husband could search for the sparkler in the plant's rubbish pile.
  17. Singed needles only add to the celebration because they crackle like sparklers and give off the pungent aroma of the evergreen woods.
  18. Water. Water. -Oh, I ain't surprised. Uhm, you know, we have a Norwegian pomegranate sparkler, which you will really, really love, okay.
  19. You have Venus in Sagittarius from December 1 to 24, a very fortunate circumstance for holiday time, for you'll be the sparkler at any party.
  20. Liling has a long history of sparkler, and it was more than 1300 years ago. It has become one of nationwide main fireworks production districts.
  21. A Palestinian boy plays with a homemade sparkler after breaking his fast during Ramadan, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Monday, Aug. 16, 2010.
  22. With eyes glimmering like a Fourth of July sparkler, the jeweler looked lovingly into the little girl's dark eyes—ones the exact shade of brown as his own.

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