1) stockNoun
The capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity). He owns a controlling share of the company's stock. | حصص سے وصول شدہ سرمایہ |
2) stockVerb
Have on hand. Do you carry kerosene heaters? | پاس ہونا |
3) stock |
Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse. Trite remarks. Bromidic sermons. His remarks were trite and commonplace. Hackneyed phrases. A stock answer. Repeating threadbare jokes. Parroting some timeworn axiom. The trite metaphor `hard as nails`. | بار بار دہرانے سے بے وقعت ہوجانے والا
فرسودہ گھسا پٹا |
4) stockNoun
The merchandise that a shop has on hand. They carried a vast inventory of hardware. They stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory. | تجارتی سامان مال تجارت |
5) stockVerb
Equip with a stock. Stock a rifle. | دستہ لگانا |
6) stock |
Routine. A stock answer. | معمول کے مطابق |
7) stockNoun
The handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun. The rifle had been fitted with a special stock. | دستہ |
8) stock |
Regularly and widely used or sold. A standard size. A stock item. | عام |
9) stockNoun
A supply of something available for future use. He brought back a large store of Cuban cigars. | ذخیرہ |
10) stockVerb
Amass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use. Let's stock coffee as long as prices are low. | ذخیرہ کرنا |
11) stockNoun
The descendants of one individual. His entire lineage has been warriors. | خاندان اولاد پیڑھی نسل |
12) stockNoun
A special variety of domesticated animals within a species. He experimented on a particular breed of white rats. He created a new strain of sheep. | نسل |
13) stockNoun
Liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces. She made gravy with a base of beef stock. | شوربا یخنی |
14) stockNoun
Any animals kept for use or profit. | منافے کے لئے مال مویشی پالنا |