Use of sufficiency in Sentences. 25 Examples

The examples include sufficiency at the start of sentence, sufficiency at the end of sentence and sufficiency in the middle of sentence

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sufficiency at the end of sentence

  1. Her father questioned the young suitor's sufficiency.
  2. The war has affected the country's economic sufficiency.
  3. I saw a lot of people in Gestalt as trying to be or believing in self - sufficiency.
  4. But throughout the colonies, people relied primarily on small farms and self - sufficiency .

sufficiency in the middle of sentence

  1. Our country has sufficiency of natural resources.
  2. His genial sufficiency was a taunt and a mockery to many.
  3. Is there a sufficiency of time allowed for the analysis of data?
  4. Evaluate the relevance, sufficiency, and competence of evidence.
  5. There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.
  6. Make sure there a sufficiency of time allowed for the analysis of data.
  7. Almost any exhibition of complete self - sufficiency draws a stunned tribute from me.
  8. Let me phrase these in terms of my criteria of necessity, sufficiency and specificity.
  9. Lingbao is primarily a gold smelter with an estimated self - sufficiency ratio of 21 %.
  10. After publication of the final draft , the sufficiency of the draft may be challenged in court.
  11. Such farsighted policy shifts will improve India's self - sufficiency in the shortest possible time frame.
  12. And any prudent owner would carry a sufficiency of lifebelts and life-jackets for the passengers and crew.
  13. When foods from different plant sources are eaten together, deficiency in one is compensated for by sufficiency in another.
  14. The application's scopes of them were analyzed, and the integrated sufficiency measurements and criterions were established.
  15. With adequate funding and proper policy the book industry could achieve self sufficiency and satisfy national demand, the report says.
  16. Objective: To investigate the sufficiency of comprehensive therapy in the preservation of laryngeal function of carcinoma of pyriform sinus.
  17. Methods: Valvular tightening operation of the femoral vein was performed in 35 patients (46 legs) with deep venous value sufficiency in the legs.
  18. Since lip movement sequence and language sequence are one-to-many mapping, it is far from sufficiency to use only HMM for lip-reading recognition.
  19. The results show that the currentness and sufficiency of the EWOM content, as well as the product involvement, will cause significant influence to EWOM communication behavior.
  20. And, from the non-performing loan rate, the capital sufficiency of capital, profit ability, the fluid risk four angles elaborated our country Bank system fragility present situation.
  21. Based on the relation between the hamming weight and the algebraic degree of Boolean functions, we get a sufficiency condition about Boolean functions without low degree annihilator.

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