Use of swede in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include swede at the start of sentence, swede at the end of sentence and swede in the middle of sentence

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swede at the end of sentence

  1. It is good to have many options, added the swede.
  2. It was rumored that the white officer had been a swede.
  3. A couple of the managers took one look at the tall, well built swede.
  4. The world drivers' championship leader crossed the line ahead of the swede.
  5. I qualified, too - for a one - on - one interview with the legendary swede.
  6. And he has backed Eriksson after claims senior players were losing faith in the swede.
  7. It is a British film, produced by Working Title, but financed by Studio Canal of France – because Universal were not prepared to take the risk – and directed by a swede.

swede in the middle of sentence

  1. The swede stood quite still.
  2. The swede keeps dogs as pets.
  3. Always choose a bright swede over a dull one.
  4. Didn't you go off with that swede to Copenhagen?
  5. The average swede was off sick 27 days last year.
  6. The difficulty is how to make the swede understand them.
  7. Today's main dish was cabbage and swede stew with dumplings.
  8. swede said that perhaps this time he actually wanted to laugh.
  9. The swede stood quite still, except that his lips moved slightly.
  10. The swede won the admiration of the soldiers by fighting bravely.
  11. A story is told about a swede who wanted to join Napoleon's Grand Army.
  12. And his father, a swede, was now working in a hospital as a brain doctor.
  13. The swede was warned that the great man would probably ask him some questions.
  14. They decided to break with tradition and appoint a swede as the England manager.
  15. Place the carrots and swede in an ovenproof dish. Add the leeks, sweetcorn and tomatoes.
  16. On the side walk in front of one of the stores sat a little swede boy, crying bitterly.
  17. Countries in the north of Europe, such as Finland, Norway and swede, are all small countries.
  18. The swede does not believe the discussions he has had with his players should surprise anyone.
  19. Shanghai swede Furnishing Co. Ltd is a retail store in home furnishing retails under IKEA group.
  20. Spread the cooked swede over the beans, sprinkle with the cheese and place under the grill to brown.
  21. At the beginning of this century, swede puts forward catchword of a canorous : "Make commodity more beautiful!"
  22. I also like fireworks, but I let them off in gardens and kebab stands, I didn't burn the house down," joked the swede in relation to Balorelli's recent misdemeanour.

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