Use of telescope in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include telescope at the start of sentence, telescope at the end of sentence and telescope in the middle of sentence

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telescope at the end of sentence

  1. I looked through a telescope.
  2. She swivelled the telescope .
  3. She resolved to make a telescope.
  4. The captain was rectifying his telescope.
  5. Many stars are invisible without a telescope.
  6. Mars was visible, dead in the centre of the telescope.
  7. They resolved a cluster of stars with a high-powered telescope.
  8. Details on the moon's surface can only be seen through a telescope.
  9. He felt as if he were seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope.

telescope in the middle of sentence

  1. Seat the telescope on the tripod.
  2. She set up her telescope on the balcony.
  3. The telescope has a magnification of 50.
  4. We had to telescope five visits into two days.
  5. I suggest we telescope the seminar into an hour.
  6. The telescope was pointing in the wrong direction.
  7. He pointed the telescope at a deer on the hillside.
  8. The telescope is inclined at an angle of 43 degrees.
  9. With a good telescope, you can see craters on the moon.
  10. With a telescope, you can see the mountains on the moon.
  11. Without a telescope, the comet will look like a fuzzy blob.
  12. This version of the Digges telescope magnifies images 11 times.
  13. Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight.
  14. The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto.
  15. A low-power telescope is enough if you only want to look at the moon.
  16. This is a telescope that penetrates to the remote parts of the universe.
  17. Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
  18. Through his telescope he could see millions of stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
  19. The Hubble telescope has allowed astronomers to make significant discoveries about our galaxy.

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