Use of tenterhook in Sentences. 15 Examples

The examples include tenterhook at the start of sentence, tenterhook at the end of sentence and tenterhook in the middle of sentence

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tenterhook in the middle of sentence

  1. Time has me dangling on its tenterhooks.
  2. I've been on tenterhooks all week waiting for the results.
  3. We were on tenterhooks all morning waiting for the telephone to ring.
  4. We were kept on tenterhooks for hours while the judges chose the winner.
  5. After the interview Fran was on tenterhooks, wondering if she'd got the job.
  6. Both of us were on tenterhooks for reasons both intellectual and commercial.
  7. She had been on tenterhooks all night, expecting Joe to return at any moment.
  8. He was still on tenterhooks waiting for his directors' decision about the job.
  9. Louis was reconstituting the royal family, keeping his adult sons on tenterhooks.
  10. Agatha Christie keeps the reader on tenterhooks until the final pages of the story.
  11. He was still on tenterhooks waiting for his directors' decision about the manager's job.
  12. She had been on tenterhooks all night expecting Joe to return at any moment from Port Eynon.
  13. For the remainder of the carol I was on tenterhooks, not daring to take my eyes from the lectern.
  14. Nutty watched on tenterhooks as Hoomey took in his new situation: the centre of an admiring crowd.
  15. Everyone had been waiting on tenterhooks on the platform, as they had been technically ready for more than a day.

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