Use of testis in Sentences. 27 Examples

The examples include testis at the start of sentence, testis at the end of sentence and testis in the middle of sentence

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testis at the end of sentence

  1. Here is another seminoma of the testis.
  2. The seminal vesicles can become infected and inflamed, as may the epididymis and testis.
  3. Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and management of unilateral impalpable testis.
  4. Results The vas deferens artery controlled the whole vas deferens, epididymis and partial parenchyma of testis.
  5. During the 1840s, Albert von Koelliker showed that spermatozoa are not parasites, but products of cells in the testis.
  6. Conclusion: Color Doppler ultrasound imaging is the first choice for the diagnosis of tubular ectasia of the rete testis.

testis in the middle of sentence

  1. The testes also are engorged and swell.
  2. Sometimes the testis fails to enter the scrotum.
  3. The testis sacs communicate with the seminal vesicles.
  4. Innumerable ovaries and testes seamlessly grafted into place.
  5. The pathology revealed a leiomyoma with an intact testis and epididymis.
  6. Oct-11 mRNA was detected in the adult thymus and testes and in 14.5 day p.c. embryos.
  7. A high intake causes rats to develop cancer, with damage to the testes and infections.
  8. One of the major functions of the testes is to produce testosterone, the most potent androgen.
  9. Conclusion: Penis and testis are good medicative parts for Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Bian.
  10. The micrometer data for the continuous growth of cloacal gland is parallelly correlated with the data of testis weighing.
  11. The male organs consist of a single continuous testis and a vas deferens terminating in an ejaculatory duct into the cloaca.
  12. This species has small testes for its body size, even though the literature records that females associate with several males.
  13. Methods: We had performed the testicular transplantation to cure 8 patients suffered from hypogonadism with the fetal testis as donor tissue.
  14. The clinicopathologic features, differential diagnosis, prognosis of undescended testis and the possible causes of malignant were discussed briefly.
  15. This review(includes) the recent advances in the study of changes on sperm, testis, epididymides, sex hormone, and sexual function in the male smokers.
  16. Sperm develop in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. The spermatids are embedded in the Sertoli cells with their tails projecting into the lumen of the tubule.
  17. Sonography is very useful in detection of undescended testes . The undescended testis is usually small. It is ovoid and reveals a homogeneous, hypoechoic structure.
  18. Conclusion: The decreased function of Leydig cells and damage of ECM in testis during experimental orchiditis might be the factors associated with the poor fertile ability.
  19. Focal tegumental damage was observed among female worms with adherence of host leukocytes and degeneration of ovary and vitelline glands, as well as atrophy of testis in male worms.
  20. There were 3 case of hydrocele of the scrotum after operation. No of infection, recurrence, chronic pain in the inguinal area, atrophy of testis, or pain during ejaculation occurred.
  21. Inadequate energy or excessive protein in the diet was shown to decrease the relative growth rate of the testis of male broilers and inhibit the development of the seminiferous tubule.

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