Use of therapist in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include therapist at the start of sentence, therapist at the end of sentence and therapist in the middle of sentence

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therapist at the end of sentence

  1. They flee to a speech therapist.
  2. Doctor King is a speech therapist.
  3. What's the best way to find a therapist?
  4. The counsellor referred her to another therapist.
  5. Ask your doctor to recommend a suitable therapist.
  6. It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist.
  7. The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.
  8. Honesty is essential if there is to be good rapport between patient and therapist.
  9. I suggested to Bobbie that she go shop first for a chiropractor and then for a therapist.

therapist in the middle of sentence

  1. "Go on," the therapist prompted him.
  2. I'm seeing my therapist on Friday morning.
  3. A speech therapist helped him overcome his stammer.
  4. No responsible therapist will claim to cure your insomnia.
  5. The therapist suggested how Tony could cope with his problems.
  6. My massage therapist always plays New Age music to help me relax.
  7. These homework tasks are negotiated between therapist and client.
  8. Therefore, the therapist suggested she should stop this medication.
  9. This led the therapist to question Jim about his parents and their marriage.
  10. It takes a trained and sensitive therapist to cue in to your personal needs.
  11. The therapist judged that Margaret had made a serious attempt to kill herself.
  12. The therapist should be alert to the possibilities of a patient losing all hope.
  13. If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist, you must discuss it.
  14. An occupational therapist can help with motor or sensory reactivity and processing difficulties.
  15. Intensity of feeling, passionate belief, and utter commitment to the behavior therapist are rare.
  16. The inexperienced therapist often feels that he lacks knowledge of sophisticated treatment techniques.
  17. If you have the chance to spill your problems out to a therapist it can be a very liberating experience.
  18. This part of the session will continue until the therapist is certain that you have fully entered the hypnotic state.
  19. The spiritual riches of a full life are kept from the sufferer while the therapist colludes with the addictive disease itself.
  20. The therapist should also reward any positive changes by expressing satisfaction and by indicating their potential long-term benefits.

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