1) throneNoun
The chair of state for a monarch, bishop, etc. The king sat on his throne. | تخت شاہی |
2) throneNoun
A plumbing fixture for defecation and urination. | بچوں کے پیشاب پاخانہ کرنے کا برتن ٹوائیلٹ پیشاب پخانا کر نے کا طشت فلش کموڈ |
3) throneVerb
Put a monarch on the throne. The Queen was enthroned more than 50 years ago. | تخت پر بٹھانا |
4) throneNoun
The position and power of an exalted person (a sovereign or bishop) who is entitled to sit in a chair of state on ceremonial occasions. | سلطنت حاکم اعلی |