Use of truncate in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include truncate at the start of sentence, truncate at the end of sentence and truncate in the middle of sentence

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truncate at the end of sentence

  1. Lulled by a canned anthem, people rotate, debate, checkmate, gyrate and truncate.

truncate in the middle of sentence

  1. My article was published in truncated form.
  2. Do you want to truncate the transaction log?
  3. The report is also available in a truncated version.
  4. He truncated a news item to fit the available space.
  5. Hence oral history interviews were typically truncated.
  6. Further discussion was truncated by the arrival of tea.
  7. truncate insignificant trailing zero when using null scale.
  8. If the list is too long, it will be truncated by the computer.
  9. Basal leaf blade oblong or elliptic, truncate or cuneate at base.
  10. Sorry, the text is too long to edit. truncate it to 255 characters?
  11. Television coverage of the match was truncated by a technical fault.
  12. The remaining segments are internally moulded into a truncated cone.
  13. The review body has produced a truncated version of its annual report.
  14. The palazzo is built around a courtyard with a truncated tower at its base.
  15. We are emphatically not introducing an appeal system in order to truncate or bypass it.
  16. He must have read her note to me the other day, because this is just a truncated version of it.
  17. Leaves wide. Inflorescences densely villous. Corolla ca. 2 cm; galea narrower, truncate at apex.
  18. Broken columns, rising over the graves of those who had died prematurely, denoted truncated lives.
  19. It was a truncated version, delivered with as near to perfunctory efficiency as courtesy would allow.
  20. In contrast, other truncated forms of RAP74 containing a shorter C-terminal region were all inactive.
  21. Harvard Securities recalled the duplicate pay cheque, as well as truncating the value of the next one.
  22. The deformities include missing or truncated legs, misshapen legs, extra legs, and missing or malformed eyes.
  23. It refers not to truncating the inquiry but to the timescale before appointing an inspector and publishing the report.
  24. They are white with a markedly truncated and enlarged anterior end due to the presence of the very large buccal capsule.
  25. Expressive notation is generally easier to truncate - by deleting final characters to create the notation for a more general subject.
  26. Erosion or accretion of sand by wind action is evident throughout and soil genesis is truncated by erosion or fossilised by deposition.
  27. If a NOT LOGGED table encounters an execution error during a data changing statement there is only one choice for DB2: to truncate the table.

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