Use of uneven in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include uneven at the start of sentence, uneven at the end of sentence and uneven in the middle of sentence

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uneven at the start of sentence

  1. Uneven cash flow proved to be a major headache for the company.

uneven at the end of sentence

  1. Your work is always uneven.
  2. Emotion made his voice uneven.
  3. His breathing had become uneven.
  4. Her breathing was quick and uneven.
  5. He could hear that her breathing was uneven.
  6. Take care when you walk on that path - the paving stones are rather uneven.

uneven in the middle of sentence

  1. It was an uneven contest.
  2. The floor felt uneven under his feet.
  3. She stumbled a little on the uneven path.
  4. Her works have been rather uneven this year.
  5. This was, for him, an oddly uneven performance.
  6. It is rushing towards me over the uneven ground.
  7. She walked back carefully over the uneven ground.
  8. The ground was muddy and uneven, but we toiled on.
  9. He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park.
  10. Your work has been rather uneven this term, Matthew.
  11. They daubed up the walls with uneven drops of paint.
  12. The library's record collection is of uneven quality.
  13. Libraries have recorded collections of uneven quality.
  14. The population is distributed in a very uneven pattern.
  15. The pacing was uneven, and the early second act dragged.
  16. The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk.
  17. Players complained about the uneven bounce of the tennis court.
  18. The country was noted for its uneven distribution of land resources.
  19. Also, an uneven terrain made electronic surveillance more difficult.
  20. The contest was very uneven - the other team was far stronger than us.
  21. There is an uneven distribution of wealth across the country from the north to the south.
  22. The heterogeneity and uneven development of China's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance.

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بار بار گونج پیدا کرنا
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