Use of unforeseen in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include unforeseen at the start of sentence, unforeseen at the end of sentence and unforeseen in the middle of sentence

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unforeseen at the start of sentence

  1. Unforeseen expenses diminished our savings.

unforeseen at the end of sentence

  1. Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.

unforeseen in the middle of sentence

  1. This was an unforeseen complication.
  2. An unforeseen difficulty has arisen.
  3. This was a sudden and unforeseen blow.
  4. It was sabotaged by an unforeseen fire drill.
  5. These actions may have unforeseen consequences.
  6. Other unforeseen events also occurred in my family.
  7. Many unforeseen dangers may be lurking in the wings.
  8. He made no provision against the unforeseen expenses.
  9. Something totally unforeseen could occur to preclude it.
  10. Call this number if any unforeseen emergency should arise.
  11. Due to unforeseen circumstances , the play has been cancelled.
  12. The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances.
  13. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to reschedule the concert.
  14. In some unforeseen circumstances like death, one parent has to be enough.
  15. The unforeseen Sometimes there just is not time to consider all available options.
  16. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this year's show has been cancelled.
  17. The precautionary motive. unforeseen circumstances can arise, such as a car breakdown.
  18. Due to unforeseen circumstances the cost of the improvements has risen by twenty per cent.
  19. Unless there are any unforeseen problems the whole project should be finished by the spring.
  20. The player did eventually join the Peacocks, but under unusual and unforeseen circumstances.
  21. For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings and your car.
  22. Measures of this sort are no doubt often inconsistent with each other and may have unforeseen consequences.
  23. Without an efficient system and good professional advice, unforeseen problems can develop into major setbacks.
  24. The Prince is rather easier to keep tabs on, but there is always the unforeseen to disrupt even the best-laid plans.
  25. Other unforeseen difficulties have taken a further 4 percent, but Remington is confident the contingency reserve will cover it.
  26. It was furthermore an exercise in gaining experience in measurements with grass samples, to assist in spotting unforeseen problems.
  27. Since decisions are quicker, they are also more adaptable, and easier to change in the light of unforeseen circumstances which may arise.

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