Use of unsteadiness in Sentences. 11 Examples

The examples include unsteadiness at the start of sentence, unsteadiness at the end of sentence and unsteadiness in the middle of sentence

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unsteadiness at the end of sentence

  1. Improper precipation may cause quicksand and result in foundation pit unsteadiness.
  2. PD has four essential characteristics, such as static tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural unsteadiness.

unsteadiness in the middle of sentence

  1. Thus eliminating blurring and unsteadiness of the images.
  2. Pendulum is a unlinear, coupling, variable and natural unsteadiness system.
  3. One reason it takes time to see detail is the unsteadiness of the Earth's atmosphere.
  4. In particular, unsteadiness may set in at much lower Ra than it would in their absence.
  5. The unsteadiness of air becomes prohibitive only if instruments with large focal length are used.
  6. And in his definitive text the novelist voices social unsteadiness as empty groupings and vapid motions.
  7. The unsteadiness of the time series of railway freight volume and its influence factors are proved by unit root test.
  8. The blade design with consideration of flow unsteadiness and the edge matching will be the hard-core of unsteady design of turbomachinery.
  9. By taking account of nonlinearity, time variation and unsteadiness of idle process in engines, this paper studies the application of fuzzy control theory for idle speed control.

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