Use of unwell in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include unwell at the start of sentence, unwell at the end of sentence and unwell in the middle of sentence

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unwell at the end of sentence

  1. She had been feeling unwell.
  2. He complained of feeling unwell.
  3. I had been warned off visiting her while she was still unwell.

unwell in the middle of sentence

  1. He felt unwell this morning.
  2. I hear you've been unwell recently.
  3. I feel decidedly unwell this morning.
  4. Tony has been unwell over the weekend .
  5. She said she was feeling unwell and went home.
  6. I feel unwell/sick/terrible; I don't feel well.
  7. Paul was unwell last night with a stomach upset.
  8. She's been very unwell, but she's on the mend now.
  9. You should delay vaccination if you are unwell with a fever.
  10. If he's unwell, that's all the more reason to go and see him.
  11. Your Mr Bernard is, by the by, even if unwell, a terrific fellow.
  12. Tom had been unwell for some time but had refused to see a doctor.
  13. One of the actors was unwell and couldn't go on with the performance.
  14. When we are tired, tense, depressed or unwell, we feel pain much more.
  15. Given that they're feeling unwell to start with, this can lead to tears.
  16. If you are feeling unwell, have a temperature or an infection, withdraw.
  17. It is best to make a firm rule not to fly if you are feeling unwell or unenthusiastic.
  18. When we feel unwell in some way or another we do not always recognize stress as the culprit.
  19. Nigel was really unwell at the last minute with a bad bout of flu, but decided not to cancel.
  20. Loi felt very unwell, and Joe was trying to treat the infection with a different type of antibiotic.
  21. Ruth had decided to say she'd been unwell, and had been given a few days off to recover her strength.
  22. Susceptible people experience flushing and feel unwell when they eat foods containing these compounds.
  23. By lunchtime she was distinctly unwell and the school nurse told her she had a temperature and sent her home.
  24. He had been riding in Hyde Park, but felt unwell as he was being driven back to his office late this afternoon.
  25. I usually park in Newgate Street, but when feeling unwell have occasionally parked on this road to cut down the walking.
  26. Other scholars heard that he was unwell and sent him notes made remote by their instinct that his straits must mortify him.

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