Use of utopia in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include utopia at the start of sentence, utopia at the end of sentence and utopia in the middle of sentence

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utopia at the end of sentence

  1. We weren't out to design a contemporary utopia.
  2. I hope the inhabitants enjoy it as much, utopia.
  3. Sir Thomas More is remembered today as the author of utopia.
  4. She was entering the masses with the phantom of a future utopia.
  5. The new novel usually starts from where one is, seldom from a vision of a lost world or future utopia.
  6. And in fact, the isolation and weakness of the radical milieu put a premium upon commitment to an unqualified utopia.

utopia in the middle of sentence

  1. A: Yes, Darcy's utopia will be a secular society.
  2. As in Darcy's utopia, in the future we aspire to.
  3. But no utopia is perfect, and this one had two blemishes.
  4. In Darcy's utopia we will make do with listening to the radio.
  5. Our belief in a Communist utopia had nothing to do with reality.
  6. A: Chance and luck will be a factor in Darcy's utopia, as elsewhere.
  7. Q: Are you telling me that Darcy's utopia will be a secular society?
  8. However, before the dawning of this utopia, certain changes must occur.
  9. Rather than paradise for the few, utopia is a perfect society for the many.
  10. In Darcy's utopia it will be as normal to practise elocution as to brush your teeth.
  11. But the flipside of utopia, dystopia, has also been a fertile undercurrent of modernity.
  12. The promise of utopia has attracted the attentions of both charlatans and serious scientists.
  13. His utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists.
  14. To outsiders, it seemed to be a mountaintop utopia, high above the troubles of the Great Depression.
  15. But the utopia of machine-independence may not ultimately appear on the custodial atlas of the future.
  16. In Darcy's utopia you will not see the eyes of the child dulling, the brow furrowing, as puberty arrives.
  17. This utopia won't be sprouting up any time soon, so Doguzhieva believes survival requires a sense of humor.
  18. In Darcy's utopia church services of various denominations will exist, and blind eyes will no doubt be turned.
  19. Show him you are sensitive to his needs with a gift certificate to that utopia of contraptions, Sharper Image.
  20. The vague hankering for a pre-industrial utopia is the politics of sixth-form common rooms, not the real world.
  21. To hir, the grandiose promises of utopia emblazoned across the screen were not only unconvincing but nauseating.
  22. In Darcy's utopia there will be elections, but people will be expected merely to vote for people they personally like.
  23. So, intellectually unfashionable but undaunted, the idea of utopia abandoned the world altogether and was launched into space.

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