Use of vaccinate in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include vaccinate at the start of sentence, vaccinate at the end of sentence and vaccinate in the middle of sentence

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vaccinate at the end of sentence

  1. Q: What else do we need to do besides vaccinate?

vaccinate in the middle of sentence

  1. We need to vaccinate our dog.
  2. We vaccinate against scarlet fever.
  3. The doctor may vaccinate him for protection against others.
  4. I helped fix windmills, vaccinate cattle, and do other chores.
  5. Smallpox was eliminated by a dedicated effort to vaccinate everyone.
  6. Your doctor will normally be able to vaccinate you with a flu vaccine.
  7. Edward Jenner demonstrated how to vaccinate children against smallpox.
  8. Third, if the condition permission, may vaccinate the influenza vaccine.
  9. And you may only have to vaccinate half the number of you would normally.
  10. He thinks he can find a way to vaccinate the elephants from a safe distance.
  11. Worcestershire Health Authority is another which doesn't vaccinate youngsters.
  12. Local health officials then complain can plan the best times vaccinate people.
  13. Chinese officials have vowed to vaccinate the country's entire stock of poultry.
  14. They have begun to vaccinate children in an attempt to check the spread of the disease.
  15. At home it began a program to vaccinate children against infectious childhood diseases.
  16. Local halefore health officials then can plan the best times to vaccinia vaccinate people.
  17. To vaccinate a few hundred people in a village and find a disease there a decade later is one thing.
  18. Local helpful officials health officials then can plan the best times to vaccinate vaccinate people.
  19. However, the decision to vaccinate a large population for group C meningococcal disease is difficult.
  20. Who can give me a flu vaccination Your doctor will normally be able to vaccinate you with a flu vaccine.
  21. To retain Britain's disease-free status, we are told, we should not vaccinate livestock against the virus.
  22. For their part, Oxfordshire say they do still vaccinate at-risk babies, which they believe is far more effective.
  23. An international campaign called the Measles initiative was launched in 2001 vaccinate children in developing countries.
  24. Rates of new genital wart cases have plummeted since the program to vaccinate young women and Australian schoolgirls got underway in mid 2007.
  25. Possibly must pay attention, has the immunity impairer cannot vaccinate the live vaccine, after the vaccination, will create the serious results.
  26. Admiral Lord Nelson School in Portsmouth was due to vaccinate girls today but has delayed the programme to "give parents time to make an informed choice".
  27. Nonetheless, it will still be possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk groups: health care workers, people caring for infants and healthy young people.

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