Use of variate in Sentences. 11 Examples

The examples include variate at the start of sentence, variate at the end of sentence and variate in the middle of sentence

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variate in the middle of sentence

  1. The relationships among the needs and preferences were examined through canonical variate analysis.
  2. Results:After variate transformation by clustering, the data was more similar to normal distribution.
  3. Ridge regression is a method for multi - variate analysis and often applied in practical data analysis.
  4. A new method based on kernel canonical variate analysis(KCVA) is proposed for nonlinear process fault diagnosis.
  5. Distribution and transfusion of the geostatic pressure variate in company with mining space in underground mining.
  6. Linear regression and artificial neural network usually used in the - variate calibration work in analytical chemistry.
  7. Canonical variate analysis(CVA) is applied to identify a state space model in linear space and state information is extracted.
  8. In this peper, the side clearance of gears is classified into two parts: stochastic variate and stochastic phasing side clearance.
  9. It also testifies the intermediate variate in the system is servo valve loading pressure ; compensator is a first derivative element.
  10. The shape and perigee of artificial satellite orbits shall continually variate due to caused by the atmospherical drag and the earth gravity.
  11. Canonical correlation analysis is shaped and canonical correlation coefficient and canonical variate are separately introduced for population and sample.

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