Use of vaunt in Sentences. 17 Examples

The examples include vaunt at the start of sentence, vaunt at the end of sentence and vaunt in the middle of sentence

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vaunt at the start of sentence

  1. Vaunt of one's success .

vaunt in the middle of sentence

  1. But what is this vaunted information currency?
  2. Their much vaunted reforms did not materialize.
  3. His vaunted new scheme has been shown to have serious weaknesses.
  4. The country's vaunted educational system is not as good as once thought.
  5. Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.
  6. Nor could the vaunted irrigation scheme be described as an unqualified success.
  7. This was not a mere empty vaunt , but a deliberate avowal of his real sentiments.
  8. If Dole figures out how to take his vaunted inside political skills public, watch out.
  9. However, their vaunted credentials as representatives of the opposition were questioned by commentators.
  10. The much vaunted working families tax credit gives £207 a week to those with one parent in full-time work.
  11. But now this much vaunted initiative has foundered because there is little or no market interest in redevelopment.
  12. Modern consumers evaluated the store not on the basis of its vaunted reputation, but on what it offered them today.
  13. Surely the economic regeneration of the area was a priority, without which much vaunted training schemes were somewhat pointless.
  14. No matter how people vaunt an own great activity, they are usually just the outcomes of opportunity, rather than a great intention of result.
  15. For the rest I do not intend to spend more words on this subject in order not to vaunt my own mediocrity above my teacher and master or above the fathers.
  16. The problem is that to vaunt modernisation, which implies that technological successes will make Russia a great world power again, is to set the wrong priority.

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پاوں کی سات چھوٹی ہڈّیاں , کیڑے کے پاوں کا سرا, ٹخنے کی ہڈی
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