Use of verboten in Sentences. 11 Examples

The examples include verboten at the start of sentence, verboten at the end of sentence and verboten in the middle of sentence

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verboten at the end of sentence

  1. Shooting exercises were under way nearby; their presence was verboten.
  2. Kissing continues, after a fashion, but tongues now completely verboten.
  3. And we don't want to play word games with you - you know what's verboten .
  4. Some other rules: The passive voice is to be avoided and pop culture references are verboten.
  5. A still photographer and a video cameraman followed him in there, which is taboo and off-limits and strictly verboten.

verboten in the middle of sentence

  1. Beards are virtually verboten in corporate circles.
  2. What is permissible at one may be verboten at another.
  3. Courtney : Get real. Tattoos are strictly verboten. Sorry.
  4. Conclusions The induced abortion by rivanol isn't absolute verboten for pregnancy of scarred uterus.
  5. In sharp contrast to Waikiki's kitsch, tourism is quite verboten, and the island is only accessible via pricey, private helicopter tours.
  6. Things we used to say were verboten are now considered an acceptable risk-return trade-off as liquidity and hedging markets have developed.

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