Use of viii in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include viii at the start of sentence, viii at the end of sentence and viii in the middle of sentence

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viii at the start of sentence

  1. Viii. Encourage foreign investors to take part in SOE reorganization and transformation.

viii at the end of sentence

  1. Yes, except Edward V , Edward viii.
  2. She was the second wife of Henry viii.
  3. She claims lineal descent from Henry viii.
  4. Our story begins with the death of Henry viii.
  5. The book contains a fascinating portrait of life at the court of Henry viii.

viii in the middle of sentence

  1. King Henry viii: And who are you?
  2. King Edward viii abdicated in 1936.
  3. Henry viii reigned for a long time.
  4. King Henry viii: Do you see one here?
  5. King Henry viii: The other Boleyn girl?
  6. Henry viii founded the Church of England.
  7. King Henry viii: Why are you here for her?
  8. Henry viii ruled England from 1509 to 1547.
  9. Edward viii -- later styled Duke of Windsor.
  10. Andrea : In 1509 Henry viii ascended the throne.
  11. Pope Boniface viii denied the virginity of Mary.
  12. Charles VII was a bad king, and Charles viii was no better.
  13. Chapter viii Interpretation and Amendment of the Basic Law.
  14. Edward viii had done the unthinkable and abdicated the throne.
  15. King Henry viii believed his role as ruler was ordained by God.
  16. Chapter viii summarized the content and prospect the next step research.
  17. Exhibit viii: Annual cash flow, as derived from the operating statement.
  18. If you would like to enrol on the programme please see page viii for details.
  19. Edward viii was succeeded by his younger brother, who was next in line to the throne.
  20. King Edward viii abdicated in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman.
  21. Exhibit viii: Annual cash flow, as derived from the operating statement and balance sheet.
  22. King of England and Ireland (1547-1553). The son of Henry viii and Jane Seymour, he died of tuberculosis.
  23. Pope (523-534) who refused to grant the divorce of Henry viii from Catherine of Aragon and was unable to stop Henry's break with the Roman Catholic Church.

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