Use of wanderer in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include wanderer at the start of sentence, wanderer at the end of sentence and wanderer in the middle of sentence

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wanderer at the end of sentence

  1. Odysseus is the archetype of the wanderer.
  2. I feel I have come to know this hero, this wanderer.
  3. The prisoner described himself as a homeless wanderer.
  4. I've heard her called a quitter for leaving and aimless wanderer.
  5. The heroes defeat Andariel and journey east , following the wanderer.
  6. The heroes defeat the demoness Andariel and journey east, following the wanderer.
  7. Football columnist Ralph the Rover, for example, and his junior colleague wanderer.

wanderer in the middle of sentence

  1. The wanderer has to sleep rough.
  2. I am a wanderer...and a Ponderer.
  3. He is a wanderer on the face of the earth.
  4. I am listless, I am a wanderer in my heart.
  5. You shall be a vagrant and a wanderer on earth.
  6. Way - worn wanderer bore to his own native shore.
  7. I feel lonely, a wanderer discovering a lost civilization.
  8. I am a stranger , and have been a wanderer against my will.
  9. A wanderer, the camera would show, on the brink of the disastrous.
  10. " I am a stranger , and have been a wanderer, sorely against my will.
  11. Lanlansansan life, the distant wanderer urgent Huang Huang Wen Ai's way chill.
  12. A wanderer, an iconoclast, whose mind had only been matched by his eccentricity.
  13. He, always a wanderer, had to overcome the difficulty of adapting himself to different climates.
  14. Then the wanderer sought a resting place: he became a hermit and dedicated himself to St Cuthbert.
  15. She was a homeless wanderer until tiny Delos alone of all places on earth consented to receive her.
  16. Offering an home for the wanderer, a haven for the connoisseur ---- Tianjin General Tourist Corporation.
  17. For planet means wanderer, an object whose movements are irregular and subject to change without notice.
  18. The little wanderer called Sojourner ran into a big Mars rock Thursday and ended up with one wheel high, scientists reported.
  19. He becomes the Dark wanderer, leaving Tristram behind shortly before legions of foul demons attack and destroy the town and its inhabitants.
  20. Forth is about female wanderer narrative, This kind of novelette always have romantic and idealism tendency, and bring some fresh air into new century literature.
  21. The four rings of the Audi badge symbolise the brands Audi, DKW, Horch and wanderer, which were combined under the umbrella of Auto Union in 1932 and eventuate into Audi AG in 1985.

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