Use of wasteland in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include wasteland at the start of sentence, wasteland at the end of sentence and wasteland in the middle of sentence

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wasteland at the end of sentence

  1. The region is an arid wasteland.
  2. The 70s were a cultural wasteland.
  3. The pollution has already turned vast areas into a wasteland.
  4. And on the other side you've got all those trees on the strip of wasteland.
  5. Back then, their roof terrace was an inhospitable, asphalt-covered wasteland.
  6. The entire region has been cordoned off by civil-defense workers, making Kalapana a brand-new wasteland.

wasteland in the middle of sentence

  1. The wasteland was transferred into fertile fields.
  2. In the foreground a flattened wasteland, laced with puddles.
  3. The mid 1970s are seen as a cultural wasteland for rock music.
  4. What the mass of urban wasteland needs lies between these extremes.
  5. The idea centres around using wasteland and parks as communal gardens.
  6. The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.
  7. The insects on Newcastle's wasteland probably deserve to be better known.
  8. The £35,000 classic was found abandoned on wasteland without a scratch.
  9. Detectives discovered the man's body dumped on wasteland near the railway.
  10. Saturday morning television is still the vast wasteland it was 10 years ago.
  11. Two features of this succession on urban wasteland are particularly interesting.
  12. Nettles: These plants grow on wasteland, beside tracks and roads in woods and hedges.
  13. After two summers of luxuriant growth, a wasteland of war has been conquered by weeds.
  14. This comprises a small number of true wasteland species, commoner there than in other habitats.
  15. There is a thin strip of wasteland between the allotments and the depot which could be home to rats.
  16. This new surge of interest in religion is perhaps a reaction to the the spiritual wasteland of the 1980s.
  17. Seen from the hills above the town the Chott becomes not an arid wasteland but a phantom sea, piercingly blue.
  18. Down the mean streets of the urban wasteland treads psychiatrist Trevor Turner, looking for the tell-tale signs.
  19. A snowy wasteland yields the third key, but only after a desperate struggle with its guardians, the Ice Soldiers.
  20. Up to half of the tropical rain forests cut down or burned are transformed not into wasteland but into secondary forest.
  21. Harmondsworth detention centre is in an arid wasteland of motorways and outposts of the air terminals past Heathrow airport.
  22. The metropolis also houses a host of smaller patches of urban wasteland from a few hundred square metres to several hectares.
  23. Travellers journeying into the town no longer look out on an industrial wasteland the ramshackle legacy of Darlington's past.

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