Use of windmill in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include windmill at the start of sentence, windmill at the end of sentence and windmill in the middle of sentence

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windmill at the end of sentence

  1. The grinder was powered by a windmill.
  2. She had this romantic dream of living in a windmill.
  3. At one time South Cave had a water mill, and a windmill.
  4. A tidal current turbine is similar in principle to a windmill.
  5. Gloriously but illogically they rode off to tilt at another windmill.
  6. As Robert watched, Aziz raised his mop and started a kind of semaphore in the direction of the windmill.
  7. Ridgery Butts was a slovenly, poor village, clay and thatch hovels clustered about its church and windmill.
  8. They took on extra duties such as building a science laboratory, writing a textbook, or constructing a windmill.

windmill in the middle of sentence

  1. The broken windmill is creaking.
  2. A windmill is used to crush grain into.
  3. The old windmill stood out in silhouette.
  4. The sails of the windmill are now at rest.
  5. A windmill is used to crush grain into flour.
  6. The sails of the windmill were wheeling round.
  7. In fact, the windmill provided too much power.
  8. There was a picture of a windmill on the bedroom wall.
  9. Later, the party visited a restored windmill at Bursledon.
  10. The energy generated by the windmill drives all the drainage pumps.
  11. I cross the wooden bridge to the windmill, the planks yielding under my feet.
  12. However, Cauldron Barn Farm, inland on a ridge by the former windmill, survives.
  13. There was only one low hill in sight, and this had an old, disused windmill on it.
  14. Mark lashed the windmill to the inevitable bamboo pole, and we tried propping it near the stern.
  15. I thought you might be a windmill girl ... come to blackmail me about some drunken indiscretion of mine.
  16. His hands windmill in a frenetic semaphore and his body shifts in ceaseless motion, with a life of its own.
  17. He lighted a lamp whose glow shone blue through the cloth wall and threw huge windmill shadows among the rafters.
  18. Another listed building is the fine windmill which stands on the hill above the village and makes an outstanding local landmark.
  19. Continue through Headington shopping precinct until reaching windmill Road traffic lights, turn right and continue until the roundabout.
  20. How about a night in a charming converted windmill on the island of Milos, watching the sunset over the sea, with a glass of retsina in hand and a plate of olives on the table?

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