Use of wizard in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include wizard at the start of sentence, wizard at the end of sentence and wizard in the middle of sentence

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wizard at the end of sentence

  1. I sought guidance from Kenny, friend and computer wizard.
  2. As a boy you were so butch it hurt. Bike racing champ, marble wizard.
  3. The Grand Theogonist is dealt two spells at the start of the game in the same way as a level 2 wizard.
  4. The champion jockey failed in his attempt to overturn a five-day suspension awarded for his riding of Silver wizard.
  5. Although most Tillers were spendthrifts and never had a ha'penny or cent to their names, Florence was a financial wizard.

wizard in the middle of sentence

  1. The wizard recited a spell.
  2. He was a wizard with camels.
  3. Ben's a real wizard at chess.
  4. She's a wizard with computers.
  5. She's a wizard at playing harp.
  6. Your mother's a wizard at Scrabble.
  7. He was going to be crowned wizard King.
  8. One person is a wizard at the technology.
  9. He is also a wizard with a pack of cards.
  10. My very favourite film is 'The wizard of Oz'.
  11. And hey, the wizard King could show mercy too.
  12. The wizard screamed as the darkness enfolded him.
  13. The wizard drew some strange signs in the air with his wand.
  14. Fans loved his skill, he was regarded as the wizard of dribble.
  15. I am no wizard, but I have always enjoyed a good game of pinball.
  16. There was something about the wizard that irked Him beyond measure.
  17. He was a wizard at appealing to everyone's sense of childlike wonder.
  18. Another wizard with runners and tubers is famous vegetarian Linda McCartney.
  19. You may enjoy talking but this does not make you a wizard at verbal presentations.
  20. He was a wizard with a ball, having speed, stamina, and accuracy when shooting at goal.
  21. A raven swooped down from its perch in the rafters and dived at the wizard, talons open and gleaming.
  22. The wizard uncurled his stinging fist and the roll of gold coins slipped between his throbbing fingers.
  23. Steve Jobs was not a technical wizard, but he thoroughly understood the mindset of the people who were.
  24. The feature is well implemented and easy-to-use, with a wizard based interface that lets you create nested menu items.

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