Use of woodcarver in Sentences. 7 Examples

The examples include woodcarver at the start of sentence, woodcarver at the end of sentence and woodcarver in the middle of sentence

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woodcarver at the end of sentence

  1. A person needed many years of training with experts to be a woodcarver.

woodcarver in the middle of sentence

  1. Tod is a woodcarver from way back.
  2. Yes, Eli. The woodcarver. I sit in the workshop with him.
  3. One woodcarver plans to make a rocking horse to sell in aid of leukaemia research.
  4. After a spell as a woodcarver, he became a printer by trade and had his own printing works in Glasgow.
  5. He is a historian, constructor, woodcarver, jeweler and the only master making miniature copies of shotguns and cold weapon.
  6. Ghyl Tarvoke , the son of a master woodcarver, works to overthrow the traditional system and earn fair treatment for the working class.

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اچھلنے والا,ٹڈا
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