Use of workaholic in Sentences. 25 Examples

The examples include workaholic at the start of sentence, workaholic at the end of sentence and workaholic in the middle of sentence

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workaholic at the end of sentence

  1. She is a self-confessed workaholic.
  2. He claims he is not a driven workaholic.
  3. He was by his own account an ambitious workaholic.
  4. He had one overriding ambition-to act-and confessed to being a workaholic.
  5. Steve's doing a sixty-hour week at the moment - I never realized he could be such a workaholic.
  6. Bo is indeed quick-tempered and outspoken. He is a man of action and does not tolerate any sloppiness. His colleagues call him a "workaholic".

workaholic in the middle of sentence

  1. She has never been close to her ascetic, workaholic father.
  2. Your workaholic ways are likely alienating once - valued associates.
  3. I said he was a workaholic, and he seemed to take it as a compliment.
  4. No one suggests that the workaholic Harrison dallied or became distracted.
  5. A self-confessed workaholic, Tony can't remember when he last had a holiday.
  6. A self-confessed control freak and workaholic, no-one is allowed in his control room.
  7. He was not himself a classic workaholic; if he worked hard, it was not demonically so.
  8. A self-confessed workaholic, Tony Richardson can't remember when he last had a holiday.
  9. Collins English Dictionary defines a workaholic as "a person obsessively addicted to work".
  10. Not a fuckwit , alcoholic, workaholic, pervert or megalomaniac, but total sex god and human rights lawyer.
  11. It was an intense relationship: Gates the workaholic code writer and competitor , Allen the dreamy visionary.
  12. Some famous psychologists say that the workaholic has an inferiority complex which leads to overcompensation .
  13. By this time his workaholic lifestyle was well established, though always hidden behind his easy friendliness.
  14. And his father was a workaholic who sacrificed child-rearing to work at a furniture store he owned with a partner.
  15. An astute businessman and virtual workaholic, he has his finger in more proverbial puddings than Little Jack Horner.
  16. For the workaholic, they are rely their work so soulfully that they cant live normally when whey don't have work to do .
  17. There the young workaholic did everything from sharpening his own saw to delivering the product in a two-wheeled handcart.
  18. Airtours' management often does its own reconnaissance of potential new destinations - a reflection of the board's workaholic nature.
  19. They are sometimes pushed into their habit by their work beliefs, by workaholic role models, and by a work system that automatically sanctions workaholism.

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demoralize -
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Corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality.