Use of alluring in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include alluring at the start of sentence, alluring at the end of sentence and alluring in the middle of sentence

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alluring at the end of sentence

  1. Her smiles were grossly alluring.
  2. Never have I seen her lips so alluring.
  3. The prospect of a fresh start is certainly alluring.
  4. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
  5. A frozen daiquiri on a sandy beach sounds considerably more alluring.
  6. I didn't find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.
  7. Her mother encouraged her to use her feminine charm, to be coy and alluring.
  8. As a firm with which to merge, the underperforming Liggett is hardly alluring.
  9. So during a recession, glamorous designer names ... offered at rock bottom prices can be alluring.

alluring in the middle of sentence

  1. TV are alluring both to children and adults.
  2. Circuses are alluring both to children and to adults.
  3. The life in a big city is alluring for the young people.
  4. But last October, an alluring alternative came to light.
  5. She was wearing a most alluring dress at Sam's dinner party.
  6. This vermian virus has stronger camouflage and alluring capacity.
  7. China is an alluring market because of its massive deposit base.
  8. Today, Gubbio offers alluring shops, restaurants and fabulous views.
  9. The money was alluring but the people with the money were very unattractive.
  10. The opening forest scene was an endless world of high trees, alluring and mysterious.
  11. Gaby, a handsome woman of 30, was a very experienced and alluring person, madly in love with Modi.
  12. But Gingrich provides an alluring excuse for avoiding having to work out exactly what they are for.
  13. Distant washes, jagged peaks and alluring nooks in remote canyons provide fodder for imagined adventures.
  14. Stella takes him at his word and discounts his crime as one of passion, alluring rather than off-putting.
  15. Arrived in the still of night, alluring without alimental odour I, I am hungry also too strong, climb study again.
  16. Not in the wildest days of his boyish visions could he have seen the alluring shape of such an extraordinary success!
  17. Comparisons between twentieth-century dictators and the classical tyrants of Ancient Rome are alluring but misleading.
  18. Brand names are better known if they are advertised with sexy or alluring pictures, and better-known brands sell better.
  19. In defiant frustration, Nicole dabbles in the underground Seattle rock scene, where the older guys are equally alluring and dangerous.

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