Use of tempting in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include tempting at the start of sentence, tempting at the end of sentence and tempting in the middle of sentence

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tempting at the end of sentence

  1. That pie looks tempting.
  2. That pie looks very tempting.
  3. That cake looks very tempting.
  4. Their soups are also very tempting.
  5. A weekend in Rome? Mm, sounds tempting!
  6. He made its program explicable and tempting.

tempting in the middle of sentence

  1. It was a tempting offer.
  2. It is tempting to believe so.
  3. It's tempting to believe her story.
  4. It is tempting to idealize the past.
  5. It is tempting to pick the reformers.
  6. All very tempting and very affordable.
  7. These high yields can be tempting but dangerous.
  8. Current hardcovers offer some tempting summer reads.
  9. These are tempting explanations for fertility decline.
  10. It's tempting to speculate about what might have happened.
  11. The lunch menu includes some tempting vegetarian offerings.
  12. You can catch these insects by tempting them to fly into a trap.
  13. It is tempting to think of morality as a guide to human conduct.
  14. It would be tempting fate to say that we will definitely win the game.
  15. In the end, I turned down Raoul's tempting offer of the Palm Beach trip.
  16. You're tempting fate by riding your bike without wearing a cycle helmet.
  17. The swimming is safe and very tempting in the lake's crystal clear waters.
  18. I made him what I thought were several tempting offers, but he wouldn't bite.
  19. She felt it would be tempting fate to try the difficult climb a second time.
  20. When the business started to have problems, it was very tempting to walk away.
  21. Fire officials said developers are tempting fate by building deep into the scenic canyons.
  22. As soon as you start to talk about never having played on a losing side, it is tempting fate.
  23. Eddy dangles a very tempting adulterous carrot in front of Richard and suggests a convivial evening of wife swapping.

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