Use of anesthetic in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include anesthetic at the start of sentence, anesthetic at the end of sentence and anesthetic in the middle of sentence

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anesthetic at the end of sentence

  1. He was given a general anesthetic.
  2. It would have to be done under anesthetic.
  3. Chloroform was the first inhalation anesthetic.
  4. Acetylene is a simple asphyxiant and anesthetic.
  5. He was still under the influence of the anesthetic.
  6. The patient remains conscious with local anesthetic.
  7. You might feel a little sick when you come around from the anesthetic.
  8. The first line of action ought to be to discontinue the potential agent and the anesthetic.
  9. In 1847, the Scottish physician Sir James Young Simpson first used the sweet-smelling, colorless, non-flammable liquid as an anesthetic.

anesthetic in the middle of sentence

  1. A gaseous anesthetic, such as nitrous oxide.
  2. The anesthetic left her completely disoriented.
  3. The anesthetic will take effect in about four minutes.
  4. What is the anesthetic significance of fetal sentience?
  5. Pharmacologically, alcohol is an anesthetic, not a stimulant.
  6. Local anesthetic is now being injected to further numb the skin.
  7. Suitable for purifying anesthetic exhaust gas in the operation room.
  8. A can of whipped cream uses nitrous oxide, an anesthetic, as a propellant.
  9. Background: Etomidate is an intravenous anesthetic usually used in clinical anesthesia.
  10. The chemical, once used as an anesthetic, can be toxic if breathed in high concentrations.
  11. Neil said. 59 Arm drift is just the way that neurologists tell that the anesthetic has arrived.
  12. Conclusion 2% mepivacaine is a safe and efficacious local anesthetic drug in conservative dentistry.
  13. The drug ketamine, an anesthetic used all over the world, blocks another brain chemical called glutamate.
  14. In doses far below those used for anesthetic purposes, ketamine makes normal people become acutely psychotic.
  15. To study the effects of different intravenous anesthetic agents on the activity of erythrocyte immunity in vitro.
  16. Frequently, the only sign of anaphylaxis during an anesthetic is severe bronchospasm or sudden cardiovascular collapse.
  17. The invention discloses a substituted phenol for methylal phosphate anesthetic and sedative drugs and a preparation method thereof.
  18. The release of these chemicals causes anesthetic, euphoric and trancelike qualities that allegedly enhance sexual sensitivity or experience.
  19. Conclusions: Compared to fentanyl propofol, remifentanil used for the anesthetic of Suspensive Laryngoscopy Vocal Cords surgery is more stable, quicker recovery and effective.

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