Use of biblical in Sentences. 46 Examples

The examples include biblical at the start of sentence, biblical at the end of sentence and biblical in the middle of sentence

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biblical at the end of sentence

  1. The battle they waged was biblical.

biblical in the middle of sentence

  1. He tried to write in a biblical style.
  2. He tried to write in a biblical style.
  3. The disease dates back to biblical times .
  4. Eliot's poetry is full of biblical allusions.
  5. It is hard to refute these biblical arguments.
  6. Angels and biblical scenes covered the ceiling.
  7. Angels and biblical scenes covered the ceiling.
  8. biblical writings lie at the root of Western culture.
  9. biblical writings lie at the root of Western culture.
  10. They named their son Isaac after the biblical character.
  11. They named their son Isaac after the biblical character.
  12. The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times.
  13. The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times.
  14. A partial answer can be found in the biblical tale of Joseph.
  15. The biblical passages are collectively known as the Lectionary.
  16. Most biblical scholarship involves some degree of speculation.
  17. Most biblical scholarship involves some degree of speculation.
  18. So the recommendations are a helpful guideline, not a biblical edict.
  19. So the recommendations are a helpful guideline, not a biblical edict.
  20. The art of biblical miniature painting has a history of a thousand years.
  21. The art of biblical miniature painting has a history of a thousand years.
  22. Beautifully inscribed biblical quotations dominate the different sections.
  23. Now it looks like a scene set from Beau Geste, or one of those biblical epics.
  24. A beautiful biblical woman named Abigail is responsible for yet another version.
  25. A beautiful biblical woman named Abigail is responsible for yet another version.
  26. Galileo's conception of biblical authority will be examined later in the chapter.
  27. Galileo's conception of biblical authority will be examined later in the chapter.
  28. They kept the old biblical landmarks alive, but in a more informal and vernacular language.
  29. Not much later a man who was probably a Samaritan composed another history of biblical times.
  30. Good Book - bad behaviour I was delighted to read David Helton's biblical approach to his subject.
  31. Good Book - bad behaviour I was delighted to read David Helton's biblical approach to his subject.
  32. Even on the issue of biblical interpretation, the concept of a total separation would be too crude.
  33. Even on the issue of biblical interpretation, the concept of a total separation would be too crude.
  34. Through their work, the fruits of biblical scholarship were disseminated to an ever-widening audience.
  35. Through their work, the fruits of biblical scholarship were disseminated to an ever-widening audience.
  36. The second important task of historical criticism is to verify information found in the biblical sources.
  37. The second important task of historical criticism is to verify information found in the biblical sources.
  38. On the other hand, there is the lay congregation, to whom biblical scholarship is totally unknown territory.
  39. On the other hand, there is the lay congregation, to whom biblical scholarship is totally unknown territory.
  40. biblical writings, which lie at the root of Western culture, make numerous mention of portents in the heavens.
  41. biblical writings, which lie at the root of Western culture, make numerous mention of portents in the heavens.
  42. Again, there may be apparent discrepancies between the biblical version of a story and the version in other ancient records.
  43. The play abounds in biblical and religious allusions, typical of Romantic works, and also prevalent in the comedia lacrimosa.
  44. Two thousand years ago, the biblical farmer was tormented by tares and Virgil was denouncing what he called the lazy thistle.
  45. Two thousand years ago, the biblical farmer was tormented by tares and Virgil was denouncing what he called the lazy thistle.

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