Use of scriptural in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include scriptural at the start of sentence, scriptural at the end of sentence and scriptural in the middle of sentence

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scriptural at the end of sentence

  1. What we are not entitled to do is to assume that our own mythological conceptions of him are scriptural.
  2. Protestantism concerned itself with the inscription of dogma, attention to the text, was more emphatically scriptural.

scriptural in the middle of sentence

  1. A return to scriptural authority is the only answer.
  2. There may be scriptural evidence for why the ruins have not been found.
  3. This text is an embarrassment to the more conservative scriptural scholars.
  4. Even revelation about nature from nature must be understood in a scriptural way.
  5. And while she closed with a happy scriptural flourish , he " hooked " a doughnut.
  6. They may say, for example, that a certain scriptural account of creation is a metaphor.
  7. The scriptural Lord's Supper had been supplanted by the idolatrous sacrifice of the mass.
  8. There is no scriptural basis for this, however, and ladybirds are not mentioned in the Bible.
  9. Hence , following scriptural counsel can help you to be successful in training your children.
  10. Jehovah hate it when people get divorced with - out scriptural grounds and marry someone else.
  11. We would offer a slide or video presentation followed by discussion and scriptural reflection.
  12. There is also an older copy book of poems by Anne Blencowe, almost entirely on scriptural themes.
  13. Rather, what she was saying with her cryptic scriptural reference was that I might not be asking the right question.
  14. A reading desk with a slanted top holding the books from which scriptural passages are read during a church service.
  15. We are clearly never obliged to follow any human direction contrary to what we know to be scriptural or morally right.
  16. Sometimes ingenious Bible expositors have led whole generations of clergy down obscure backwaters of scriptural exegesis.
  17. At the same time, however, the bastion of traditional scriptural authority was also being challenged from other quarters.
  18. Closely associated with the proclamation and preaching of the Word was scriptural hymnody, in the form of metrical psalms.
  19. The question mark at the end requires a response, helping the offended party to fulfil their scriptural obligation to forgive.
  20. The number of scriptural references applicable to bereavement seemed legion - and Kenneth seemed to be acquainted with each and every one.
  21. However, the understanding of significance within the individual believer must be based on a scriptural footing, rather than the visible indicators.
  22. In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scriptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate.
  23. LTS gets all her material supplies such as Bibles, scriptural booklets, and blank DVDs mainly from the three Chinese churches mentioned above and Clear Lake Chinese Church.
  24. On one hand, the fourth-century theologian Augustine responded to the sacking of Rome with a detailed scriptural argument for two cities: the City of Man and the City of God.
  25. Zwingli agreed that God has the power to make a body be in different places at the same time, but he saw no scriptural proof to indicate that this happens in the Lord's Supper.
  26. Having elaborated on the names and designations of the Spirit's work in the Scriptures, Athanasius now focuses on the scriptural patterns of correlating the Spirit and the Son.

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