Use of blowhard in Sentences. 13 Examples

The examples include blowhard at the start of sentence, blowhard at the end of sentence and blowhard in the middle of sentence

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blowhard at the end of sentence

  1. But Gassee was no mere blowhard.
  2. The worst kind of interviewer is the blowhard.
  3. I don't want to sit next to that old blowhard.
  4. Don't believe his nonsense. He's nothing but a blowhard!
  5. Yet there is no denying that Will has a point: The old man is a blowhard.

blowhard in the middle of sentence

  1. Noah was considered something of a blowhard, even by his friends.
  2. Of course, some foreign buyers are blowhards who end up destroying companies and themselves.
  3. The question ahead is whether we can get Senator Porkbelly and Congressman blowhard to agree.
  4. The question ahead is whether we can get Senator Porkbelly and Congressman blowhard to agree.
  5. “No, no,” says Congressman blowhard.“The Porkbelly plan would increase the size of an already bloated government.
  6. Such behavior is closer to that of a blowhard who may be insecure in his own abilities, but is certain of one thing — his own brilliance.
  7. Such behavior is closer to that of a blowhard who may be insecure in his own abilities, but is certain of one thing — his own brilliance.
  8. A filibustering blowhard of a politician, Dod would use bureaucratic wrangling to further the Federation's aims and hinder the efforts of those who would expose their chicanery.

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