Use of boondocks in Sentences. 25 Examples

The examples include boondocks at the start of sentence, boondocks at the end of sentence and boondocks in the middle of sentence

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boondocks at the end of sentence

  1. He lives way out in the boondocks.
  2. He lives way out in the boondocks.
  3. The place, it turns out, wasn't the boondocks.
  4. The place, it turns out, wasn't the boondocks.

boondocks in the middle of sentence

  1. "The boondocks" often deals with issues of race and social justice.
  2. One of the shows, "The boondocks , " is based on a newspaper comic strip.
  3. One of the shows, "The boondocks , " is based on a newspaper comic strip.
  4. I moved him out of the Glass House and into the boondocks, hating minute of it.
  5. Return to Nature, reintegration boondocks became majority of the inevitable choice.
  6. In northwest such boondocks, besides meat and wine, there're flower and grass. Rare.
  7. Why did Phil buy a house way out here in the boondocks ? There's no one around for miles!
  8. Instead I apologise, saying I have been out in the boondocks with Gary on some crazy mission.
  9. She grew up in the boondocks, in a county town in Jiangsu Province, and her parents did not play chess.
  10. Cartoon Network 's urban-flavored "The boondocks" has already caused a dustup thanks to its and racial and political overtones.
  11. Cartoon Network 's urban-flavored "The boondocks" has already caused a dustup thanks to its and racial and political overtones.
  12. Aaron McGruder spent the early part of this week in boondocks musing over our favorite subject of the week: Dick Cheney Hunting.
  13. Aaron McGruder spent the early part of this week in boondocks musing over our favorite subject of the week: Dick Cheney Hunting.
  14. The Longmen Scenic Area is beautiful. Everywhere in the show charming rural scenery and distribute the boondocks Department rich flavor.
  15. Aaron McGruder, creator of "The boondocks," went all-in on Tyler, insinuating that Perry is gay and engages in sexual harassment on the set.
  16. Aaron McGruder, creator of "The boondocks," went all-in on Tyler, insinuating that Perry is gay and engages in sexual harassment on the set.
  17. To keep Earth inhabitants away from the rest of the universe community, our planet was stuck way out in the boondocks at the rim of a second-rate galaxy.
  18. One of the few drawbacks to living out the boondocks is that public services, such as litter collection, are less available than they are closer to the city.
  19. One of the few drawbacks to living out the boondocks is that public services, such as litter collection, are less available than they are closer to the city.
  20. Here, democracy is in cages, hidden in the boondocks, while alleged representatives sell their souls to the highest corporate bidder, to further the interests of imperial war.
  21. Here, democracy is in cages, hidden in the boondocks, while alleged representatives sell their souls to the highest corporate bidder, to further the interests of imperial war.

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