Use of bucolic in Sentences. 37 Examples

The examples include bucolic at the start of sentence, bucolic at the end of sentence and bucolic in the middle of sentence

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bucolic at the start of sentence

  1. Bucolic, conservative stuff, but nice and solid.
  2. Bucolic, conservative stuff, but nice and solid.

bucolic in the middle of sentence

  1. Let them buy their bucolic knick-knacks.
  2. The meadow was the scene of bucolic gaiety.
  3. The meadow was the scene of bucolic gaiety.
  4. It is a bucolic refuge in the midst of a great bustling city.
  5. The church is lovely, both in itself and for its bucolic setting.
  6. There was a certain bucolic look to the faces of the cart drivers.
  7. The church is lovely, both in itself and for its bucolic setting.
  8. This film makes that sound a sweetly romantic, almost bucolic existence.
  9. He managed to transform the bucolic of butterflies into a dangerous sport.
  10. Despite this bucolic portrait , Iowa has its share of urban landscapes, too.
  11. Despite this bucolic portrait , Iowa has its share of urban landscapes, too.
  12. There are other signs in my bucolic town that the economy is cooling station.
  13. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life.
  14. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life.
  15. This is nothing like the bucolic prison camp where his half-sister Carmella is held.
  16. Best though it was, his suIt'smacked of cheap tailoring and bucolic unfashionableness.
  17. The painting shows a typically bucolic scene with peasants harvesting crops in a field.
  18. The painting shows a typically bucolic scene with peasants harvesting crops in a field.
  19. The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe the sight the gentry ( George Eliot ).
  20. The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe the sight the gentry ( George Eliot ).
  21. The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe at the sight of the gentryGeorge Eliot.
  22. The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe at the sight of the gentryGeorge Eliot.
  23. Today the bucolic beauty of the region hides a deeply entrenched and long-standing poverty.
  24. If we were back in urban reality now, we yet retained a glow imparted by our bucolic idyll.
  25. She turns into a sweet country girl surrounded by family, chickens and a bucolic landscape.
  26. My neurologist told me about a patient of hers who saw a bucolic farm scene before each seizure.
  27. My neurologist told me about a patient of hers who saw a bucolic farm scene before each seizure.
  28. Thorntown's bucolic bliss was to a corporate sponsor , Campbell Soup. But such efforts are not enough.
  29. And that will seem positively bucolic in 2015, when the traffic count is predicted to more than triple.
  30. Until recently, you would have had to look long and hard for an oil rig amid the bucolic scenery here.
  31. Until recently, you would have had to look long and hard for an oil rig amid the bucolic scenery here.
  32. And that will seem positively bucolic in 2015, when the traffic count is predicted to more than triple.
  33. The bucolic woods, vineyards and meadows of the south-west were such a delight after the Great Sandy Desert that we rode along grinning in our helmets and saying: "Corners!
  34. The bucolic woods, vineyards and meadows of the south-west were such a delight after the Great Sandy Desert that we rode along grinning in our helmets and saying: "Corners!
  35. Add this to the bucolic scenery of Pennsylvania's green valleys, rich farmland, and mountain ranges, and it's no wonder that it's the fifth most populated state in the nation.

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