Use of pastoral in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include pastoral at the start of sentence, pastoral at the end of sentence and pastoral in the middle of sentence

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pastoral in the middle of sentence

  1. The rabbi makes pastoral visits every Tuesday.
  2. The priest makes pastoral visits every Tuesday.
  3. The priest makes pastoral visits on Wednesdays.
  4. Vermont, by contrast, was pastoral and idyllic.
  5. Father Brackley did pastoral work in El Salvador.
  6. In pastoral terms, the program had perfect pitch.
  7. The priest makes pastoral visits every Wednesday.
  8. The ancient vase was painted with pastoral scenes.
  9. I should have transferred to pastoral a while back.
  10. the church's pastoral ministry in the inner cities.
  11. Many churches provide excellent pastoral counselling.
  12. But this pastoral economy was fundamentally inelastic.
  13. Zarathustra belonged to a pastoral tribe in northern Persia.
  14. A priest's pastoral duties include helping the poor and sick.
  15. Trace an analogy between pastoral poetry and landscape painting.
  16. The more pastoral duties of the medical officer were not neglected.
  17. But these sheep weren't posing for a rural getaway or a pastoral retreat.
  18. A few schools now offer counselling sessions; all have some system of pastoral care.
  19. Every year thousands of people flee the big cities in search of the pastoral/rural idyll.
  20. The painting depicts an idyllic pastoral scene of shepherds watching over their grazing sheep.
  21. Alvingham, through all its centuries of existence, has seen much activity of a pastoral nature.
  22. Within the limits of the canons' active pastoral life, Chrodegang stressed the communal liturgy.
  23. In pastoral areas a high demand for female labour persisted, and in the dairying regions even increased.
  24. The pastoral names of the characters and the type of versification employed correspond to the rustic mood.
  25. Catholics are permitted to receive valid sacraments in other churches in similar circumstances of pastoral need.
  26. In consequence, these objectives have been relegated, in many cases, to the hidden curriculum and pastoral concerns.
  27. Tom believed that the encyclical was poorly reasoned, but his objections were more pastoral than they were doctrinal.
  28. In pastoral Suffolk fewer than half this class were dependent on wages, presumably younger men who were not yet cottagers.
  29. Secondly, the integrity of pastoral systems and management processes is contingent upon their being reflected in all aspects of school management.

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