Use of colonizer in Sentences. 27 Examples

The examples include colonizer at the start of sentence, colonizer at the end of sentence and colonizer in the middle of sentence

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colonizer at the end of sentence

  1. In a country that wants to be the most modern of all, its a strange attachment to a system introduced by the old overthrown colonizer.
  2. In a country that wants to be the most modern of all, its a strange attachment to a system introduced by the old overthrown colonizer.

colonizer in the middle of sentence

  1. In the first few year, the colonizer find life difficult.
  2. For years the inhabitants of these islands have been repressed by the colonizers.
  3. For years the inhabitants of these islands have been repressed by the colonizers.
  4. Are they always among the first colonizers, the weeds of this hot spring ecosystem?
  5. Are they always among the first colonizers, the weeds of this hot spring ecosystem?
  6. Such misunderstandings between the colonizers and the colonized naturally led to problems.
  7. The 3rd generation was dominated by the local colonizer, with some immigrants and emigrants.
  8. ATM . The starting large colonizer you have, you should colonize the best mining system around.
  9. Rev. Thomas Burns proved to be a great colonizer and to this day his memory is revered in New Zealand.
  10. Rev. Thomas Burns proved to be a great colonizer and to this day his memory is revered in New Zealand.
  11. Robinson was working at the same time the asset and the colonizer, it has a predatory exploitation of nature.
  12. Robinson was working at the same time the asset and the colonizer, it has a predatory exploitation of nature.
  13. They lived on the land for thousands of years before the European colonizer came by boat and occupied their land.
  14. They lived on the land for thousands of years before the European colonizer came by boat and occupied their land.
  15. After a 10-year resistance against French colonizer , Haiti became the first independent Black and Latin-American country.
  16. After a 10-year resistance against French colonizer , Haiti became the first independent Black and Latin-American country.
  17. But remember that this Last Best Place can disappear if corporate colonizers and their lackeys in Congress have it their way.
  18. But remember that this Last Best Place can disappear if corporate colonizers and their lackeys in Congress have it their way.
  19. Due to the introduction of city planning applied by German colonizer, the starting process of Qingdao from "village" to "city" was accelerated.
  20. Due to the introduction of city planning applied by German colonizer, the starting process of Qingdao from "village" to "city" was accelerated.
  21. After the new sea- lane was opened up by the european colonizer in 16th, they start to snatch land from Indian, they trade Negro as merchandise.
  22. This is the untold story of the first scouting expedition to central Mexico by imperialist colonizer Hernan Cortes and a small band of soldiers in 1522.
  23. This is the untold story of the first scouting expedition to central Mexico by imperialist colonizer Hernan Cortes and a small band of soldiers in 1522.
  24. In his Sunday speech marking 65 years since the end of the Second World War, Mr. Lee also spoke of the future relationship with South Korea's former colonizer, Japan.
  25. LUCA went on to become the dominant colonizer of the planet, evolving into billions of species great and small, including a midsize naked ape that likes to read magazines.

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