Use of derision in Sentences. 38 Examples

The examples include derision at the start of sentence, derision at the end of sentence and derision in the middle of sentence

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derision at the end of sentence

  1. He gave a snort of derision.
  2. She withered him with derision.
  3. He gave a hoot of laughter/derision.
  4. They treated his suggestion with derision.
  5. He became an object of universal derision.
  6. Her naive attitude provoked their derision.
  7. Her speech was greeted with howls of derision.
  8. Her speech was met with hoots/howls of derision.
  9. Raul looked him up and down, eyes opened wide with derision.
  10. He tried to calm them, but was greeted with shouts of derision.
  11. "What a mess they made of it," said Sam with a snort of derision.
  12. In Kursk guberniia the telephone system was a subject for derision.
  13. In Kursk guberniia the telephone system was a subject for derision.
  14. The answer-it is such an obvious question-is shouted forth on piping wings of derision.
  15. The dogma is of absolutes, the lifestyle is of attempted purity and the zealot is subject to continuous derision.
  16. If this and other resolutions fell well below popular expectations, their implementation since then has invited even greater derision.
  17. If this and other resolutions fell well below popular expectations, their implementation since then has invited even greater derision.

derision in the middle of sentence

  1. Americans speak with derision of those who are lazy.
  2. My chaplain snorts in derision but what does he know?
  3. My chaplain snorts in derision but what does he know?
  4. The Church viewed it with derision rather than suspicion.
  5. The speech was greeted with derision by opposition leaders.
  6. The speech was greeted with derision by opposition leaders.
  7. His speech was greeted with derision by opposition leaders.
  8. However, the move has been greeted with derision by many academics.
  9. However, the move has been greeted with derision by many academics.
  10. If you did, you risked verbal or physical abuse, derision and expulsion.
  11. If you did, you risked verbal or physical abuse, derision and expulsion.
  12. Such detailed planning would have provoked snorts of derision from Sir Keith.
  13. Such detailed planning would have provoked snorts of derision from Sir Keith.
  14. Even outside all these imaginings, rumor and derision held us in an unwelcome embrace.
  15. She couldn't cope with that, couldn't face seeing derision in those dark midnight eyes.
  16. My stories, however, were greeted with disbelief and derision, and I felt increasingly rejected.
  17. Sharpe translated the crowd's attention as the derision due to a cuckold and, in that misapprehension, his temper snapped.
  18. How many of the popular novels of the past evoke derision rather than appreciation if we read them in too literal a spirit!
  19. How many of the popular novels of the past evoke derision rather than appreciation if we read them in too literal a spirit!
  20. Though greeted with nothing like the derision that met Howarth's six-page statement, the spokesmen encountered a fair degree of scepticism.
  21. Though greeted with nothing like the derision that met Howarth's six-page statement, the spokesmen encountered a fair degree of scepticism.

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