Use of disdain in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include disdain at the start of sentence, disdain at the end of sentence and disdain in the middle of sentence

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disdain at the end of sentence

  1. She watched me with disdain.
  2. He was treated with disdain.
  3. He curled his lips in disdain.
  4. She tossed her head in disdain.
  5. He replied with haughty disdain.
  6. Janet looked at him with disdain.
  7. He turned his head away in disdain.
  8. She turned her head away in disdain.
  9. My suggestion was received with disdain.
  10. Imitation jewellery is regarded with disdain.
  11. He regards the political process with disdain.
  12. Why does he treat his father with such disdain?
  13. Traditionalists look upon the changes with disdain.
  14. The whole operation was done in a spirit of perfect disdain.
  15. They greeted Hess's ideas with skepticism or outright disdain.
  16. Koons has engrossed himself in a world of commercialism that most modern artists disdain.

disdain in the middle of sentence

  1. Some people disdain labour.
  2. A great man should disdain flatterers.
  3. He has an aristocratic disdain for money.
  4. They expressed disdain for Western pop culture.
  5. Judges sometimes show great disdain for the law.
  6. I would certainly disdain to live in such tiny flats.
  7. Colleges inculcate a subtle disdain for work, he said.
  8. Communist disdain for the environment made matters worse.
  9. She did not hesitate to express the disdain that she felt.
  10. The older musicians disdain the new, rock-influenced music.
  11. She accepted the kiss with icy disdain, and his misery was complete.
  12. Mr. Rodriguez spoke of his tenants with disdain , blaming them for the poor condition of the apartment.
  13. But the disdain of these accomplished economists for supply-side economics can easily be deduced from their writings and congressional testimony.

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