Use of dipper in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include dipper at the start of sentence, dipper at the end of sentence and dipper in the middle of sentence

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dipper at the end of sentence

  1. Can you see the Great dipper?
  2. That's what you spotted on the Big dipper.
  3. He made another friend, which was the Big dipper.
  4. Gedanken wondered whether anyone ever fell off the Big dipper.
  5. And notice that Polaris marks the tip of the handle of the Little dipper.
  6. Here I would see many interesting birds, but the most attractive to me was the dipper.
  7. On many upland streams a large boulder will often be the chosen perching spot of the dipper.
  8. Sliding your cursor over the picture will locate Polaris and the NCP as well as other stars of the Little dipper.
  9. But it is the brightest star at the left of this well-composed, starry mosaic spanning about 23 degrees across the northern sky asterism dubbed the Little dipper.

dipper in the middle of sentence

  1. He handed the dipper back to Nikol.
  2. She take a dipper of hot suds from the tub.
  3. The Big dipper is not by itself a constellation.
  4. Seven, the big dipper butch BaMianLingLong wonderful string.
  5. I can find the Big dipper, but the North Star can be elusive.
  6. The descent, like a big dipper, is exhilarating but perfectly safe.
  7. The big dipper can give you a sense of direction when you were lost.
  8. Served with a dipper pot of seafood sauce and brown bread and butter.
  9. Because it looks like a spoon or ladle , the Little dipper is easy to find .
  10. She took the wet gourd dipper from him, her nostrils wrinkling in distaste at the reek.
  11. The dipper is a typical bird of upland rivers and one species we had very much hoped to see.
  12. The black silhouettes of the maples showed against the sky near the Big dipper, almost overhead.
  13. Then the dipper birds would come wheeling over the dunes, skimming the foam, light as dry leaves.
  14. The Big dipper actually belongs to the constellation Ursa Major, otherwise known as the Big Bear.
  15. I put the stretcher under my arm and walked off toward the Big dipper, in the direction of the tent.
  16. These six little starlets create the tiny dipper - shaped formation that is well known the world over.
  17. In this example showing the north polar region, a very recognizable Big dipper, part of the modern constellation Ursa Major, lies along the bottom of the chart.
  18. 1952 - Memphis Kiddie Park opens in Brooklyn, Ohio. The park's Little dipper roller coaster would become the oldest operating steel roller coaster in North America.
  19. China will develop 12 Beidou or North dipper satellites, some destined for geostationary orbit. It plans a navigation and positioning system of more than 30 satellites, Sun said.

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