Use of ladle in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include ladle at the start of sentence, ladle at the end of sentence and ladle in the middle of sentence

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ladle at the start of sentence

  1. Ladle the soup over rice.
  2. Ladle chilled soup into shallow soup plates and sprinkle with the chervil.
  3. Ladle the broth into soup bowls and garnish with turkey strips, avocado chunks and cilantro.
  4. Ladle over the sauce, garnish with the fried pork and Sichuan peppercorns and serve at once.
  5. Ladle into clean glass jars that have been rinsed in hot water to prevent any cracking from the heat.
  6. Ladle thinks that drying yourself out may be an effective antiparasite strategy, a way of purging the parasites from your body.

ladle at the end of sentence

  1. I use a soup ladle.
  2. She dipped out soup with a ladle.
  3. Scalding molten steel is in the crude iron ladle.
  4. A third, operating the crane, which commands the entire foundry floor, hoists the ladle.
  5. Zhu had a metal pail, Zheng carried three empty beer bottles, and the policewoman held a ladle.
  6. I sat at the table, watching Frank stir the contents of the large metal pot with a wooden ladle.

ladle in the middle of sentence

  1. He likes to ladle out advice.
  2. So here is Caleb with his iron ladle hat.
  3. There was a wood ladle chained to the deck.
  4. She was serving soup with a ladle and scowl.
  5. Arm is the main working parts of ladle turret.
  6. Betty beheaded by hotpot ladle in freak accident. 2.
  7. She dropped a ladle filled with hot soup into his lap.
  8. Then they tip up the ladle and proceed to the next mold.
  9. Place chicken on top of pasta, then ladle black beans on top.
  10. I dipped the glass ladle into the big bowl and refilled my cup.
  11. He isn't one to ladle out praise, so when he says'Good ', he means it.
  12. Jane sat near Dorothy's place, who was at the stove, ladle in her hand.
  13. A young boy with a ladle and a stoup of water wetted their grizzled mouths.
  14. Whiskers Zhu picked up the pail and ladle, then fell in behind old Zheng and Song Anni. 4.
  15. The aging prisoner picked up a greasy ladle and buried it in the soup, stirring it for a moment.
  16. The soup tureen was in front of Edward Pitt, the curving silver ladle on the table by his plate.
  17. Josie, standing by the stove with the ladle for helping out the pasta, decided to wait and say nothing.

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